Wild Horse & Burro


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Cookies are small pieces of information stored on your computer by our web site. Cookies come in two varieties: "file" cookies and "temporary" cookies. File cookies are kept on your hard disk for a long time, whereas temporary cookies (or "cache" or "memory" cookies) are stored instead in your browser memory, and they go away as soon as you quit your browser (i.e. temporary cookies NEVER touch your hard disk).

Our web site requires temporary cookies because we use PHP Hypertext Pages technology. The temporary cookies tell our PHP Hypertext Pages which client browser to send bidding and animal information to. When a bid is sent, the cookie allows us to know who placed the bid and to record it correctly. Temporary cookies are not used for any other reason. If your browser is configured to block temporary cookies, then you will not be able to bid on animals.

We DO NOT use file cookies.

Still have questions about cookies? Click here to see what the World Wide Web Consortium has to say about cookies, or here for additional information.

This Site Uses Cookies

We have incorporated the use of cookies to allow you to use this site more effectively and to allow you to bid on animals. If you are concerned about our use of cookies, please read our cookie information.

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