Addiction to Medications: What Are the Risks and Who Is Vulnerable?


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Air date: Tuesday, November 09, 2004, 5:00:00 PM
Category: Medicine for the Public
Runtime: 360 minutes
NLM Title: Addiction to medications : what are the risks and who is vulnerable? [electronic resource] / Nora D. Volkow.
Author: Volkow, Nora D.
Publisher: [Bethesda, Md. : National Institutes of Health, 2004]
Abstract: (CIT): NIH Clinical Center's 2004 Medicine for the Public lecture series. Most people who take prescription medications take them responsibly, but the non-medical use of these drugs can be dangerous. Non-medical use of certain prescription drugs can lead to abuse and dependence, characterized by compulsive drug-seeking and use. According to the National Survey on Drug Use and Health, an estimated 6.2 million people used prescription medications non-medically in 2002. The National Institute on Drug Abuse's annual Monitoring the Future survey found a staggeringly high increase in reported rates of non-medical use of two pain medications among 12th graders. One-in-ten high school seniors took Vicodin(r) last year, making it the second-most commonly reported illicit drug used by high school seniors, after marijuana.
Subjects: Behavior, Addictive
Pharmaceutical Preparations
Substance-Related Disorders
United States
Publication Types: Government Publications
Rights: This is a work of the United States Government. No copyright exists on this material. It may be disseminated freely.
NLM Classification: WM 270
NLM ID: 101268601
CIT File ID: 12283
CIT Live ID: 3711
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