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Washington Post/Kaiser/Harvard University Survey Project
About the Partnership:
The Washington Post/Kaiser Family Foundation/Harvard University Survey Project is a joint partnership and an experiment in combining survey research and reporting to better inform the public. The Post, Kaiser, and Harvard jointly design and analyze surveys examining public knowledge, perceptions, and misperceptions on major issues. The Post then reports the results as well as facts to dispel myths and misperceptions, retaining editorial control over content published in the paper. The goal of this project is to contribute to a better understanding of public knowledge on major issues facing the country as well as more effective efforts by the media to educate, inform, and engage citizens in national debates.
 Recent Documents: (26 results) Pages 1 |  2
Low-Wage Workers and Health Care -- November 2008
This brief examines findings about low-wage workers and health care based on a survey conducted this summer by The Washington Post, the Kaiser Family Foundation, and Harvard University to focus on the experiences and challenges facing the lowest paid members of the American workforce. 
Survey of Low-Wage Workers -- August 2008
This survey by The Washington Post, the Kaiser Family Foundation, and Harvard University provides a detailed look at the real life experiences and views of low-wage workers and assesses their financial challenges, including difficulties obtaining and paying for health care, their views about their financial and job situations and their hopes and expectations for the future.
Survey Brief: Political Independents and Health Care -- August 2007
This survey brief takes an in-depth look at independents’ views on health care, including the saliency of the issue, which party best represents their own views on health, whether candidates should focus more on lowering costs or expanding coverage, and willingness to pay to cover the uninsured. The brief relies on data from a joint Washington Post, Kaiser Family Foundation and Harvard University survey.
The Washington Post/Kaiser Family Foundation/Harvard University Survey of Political Independents -- July 2007
This survey by The Washington Post, the Kaiser Family Foundation, and Harvard University--the 16th in an ongoing partnership--provides a detailed look at self-identified independents: who they are, what issues matter to them, how they approach politics and elections, and their views on key issues including health care, Iraq, and immigration. A related survey looks at independent voters in Virginia. 
Paths to Success: A Forum on Young African-American Men -- July 2006 Video/Audio
The forum, Paths to Success: A Forum on Young African-American Men, discusses the results of a major new national survey conducted by The Washington Post, the Kaiser Family Foundation, and Harvard University. The conversation focuses on strategies to enable young black men to succeed in America today and build on themes presented in the Post's series, Being a Black Man.
Washington Post/Kaiser Family Foundation/Harvard Survey of African-American Men -- June 2006
The Washington Post, The Kaiser Family Foundation and Harvard University have released a new, comprehensive survey looking at how African-American men, ages 18 to 29, view their lives in the United States and their outlook for the future.
Survey of Teens in the Greater Washington, D.C. Area -- October 2005
This Washington Post, The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation, and the Harvard School of Public Health survey examines how D.C. Area teens and their parents view their lives and aspirations for the future.
Survey of Hurricane Katrina Evacuees -- September 2005
This survey from The Washington Post, the Kaiser Family Foundation, and the Harvard School of Public Health examines how evacuees in Houston area shelters are coping after the devastation of Hurricane Katrina.
Survey on Social Security -- February 2005
This Washington Post/Kaiser Family Foundation/Harvard University survey explores the public's knowledge about the Social Security program and their attitudes about Social Security reform.
Perpetual War Hits Military Families Hard - Boston Globe Op-Ed -- June 2004
Drew Altman, President and CEO of the Foundation, and Robert Blendon, a professor at Harvard's Kennedy School of Government and School of Public Health, co-authored a Boston Globe op-ed that cited the emotional, financial and other stresses on military families during extended deployments, such as Iraq and Afghanistan, and called for additional support for these families.
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