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Thomas F. Mefford, USAID Deputy Assistant Administrator for Europe and Eurasia (center), pictured with Angelo Canale, Head of Italy's Department of Tourism (left) and Giandomenico Magliano, Director General for Economic Cooperation and Multilateral Finance, Italy's Ministry of Foreign Affairs (right) at the MOU signing in Rome, establishing an international, public-private partnership to energize Southeast Europe's economy through development of its tourism sector.Italy Joins Partnership to Develop Balkan Region

With the signing of a memorandum of understanding in Rome on July 17, Italy joined the U.S. and Greece in an innovative public-private partnership to stimulate sustainable economic growth, energy security... Read More ...

Related Items: Business Development, Energy, Infrastructure, Environment

Avtandil Cholokava (right), head of the Kabali hydropower station, gives USAID Senior Deputy Assistant Administrator for Europe and Eurasia Ken Yamashita (left) a tour of the plant. Through USAID assistance, the plant has tripled its electrical generation capacity--enough to power 3,000 households.Senior Deputy Assistant Administrator Inaugurates New USAID/Georgia Headquarters

Celebrating 15 years of partnership with the Georgian people, USAID launched the opening of its new building on the embassy compound on July 23rd... Read More ...

Related Items: Georgia, Energy

Renovated street lamps on Gagarina Street, where two schools and a kindergarten are located.Life Gets Brighter In Alchevsk

Poor street lighting is a common problem in many Ukrainian cities, including Alchevsk. It is especially felt in fall and winter, when daylight hours are limited. Elderly people tend not to go out on the street in the dark, unless it is urgent... Read More ...

Related Items: Ukraine, Energy

Energy Efficiency Project Lights Up Town

Ukraine’s communal buildings are notoriously energy inefficient. As energy prices climb, outdated technology becomes an increasingly larger liability for municipal budgets... Read More ...

Related Items: Ukraine, Energy

Emergency relief services funded by USAID and the U.S. Department of State is helping more than 550,000 people affected by extreme winter weather and an energy crisis in TajikistanU.S. Disaster Assistance to Tajikistan Tops $2 Million

The American people, through USAID, is providing more than $830,000 to the people of Tajikistan after extreme winter weather and an energy crisis have caused a humanitarian crisis in the country... Read More ...

Related Items: Tajikistan, Energy

U.S. Embassy Charge d'Affaires Joseph Pennington and Armenia's Minister of Energy, Armen Movsisyan, sign the Statement of Cooperation between the two governments in developing planning studies for a new nuclear power generation unit in ArmeniaArmenia Plans for an Energy-Safe Future

A landlocked country with no fossil fuels resource, Armenia has been greatly dependent on nuclear power as one of its main sources of energy... Read More ...

Related Items: Armenia, Energy

Study tour participants from Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Tajikistan learned about wholesale electricity markets first-hand from their American counterpartsCompetitive Power Markets Draw Central Asian Energy Delegation to U.S.

In July 2007, USAID’s Regional Energy Markets Assistance Program (REMAP) organized a trip for ministry officials, utility specialists, and regulatory officials from Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Tajikistan to examine how wholesale electricity markets... Read More ...

Related Items: Central Asian Republics, Energy

USAID facilitated a training of Kyrgyz professionals who are now certified to trade on KOREM, Kazakhastan's power exchangeKyrgyzstan to Trade on the Kazakhstan Power Market

USAID’s Central Asia Regional Energy Market Assistance Program (REMAP) helped launch a more transparent international electric power sales arrangement that will benefit both countries... Read More ...

Related Items: Central Asian Republics, Energy

As a part of its assistance to the Government of Kyrgyzstan, USAID implemented several electricity loss reduction demonstration projectsElectricity Loss Reduction Addressed at a Regional Forum

In June 2006, the Regional Markets Assistance Program for Central Asia (REMAP) organized the Regional Electricity Loss Reduction Forum in cooperation with the Government of Kyrgyzstan... Read More ...

Related Items: Kyrgyzstan, Energy

For the first time, refugee families are able to cook hot meals at homeGas Makes Refugee Homes Happier in North Ossetia

In June 2007, more than 20 refugee families from Georgia, Tajikistan, and North Ossetia were at last able to boil water for tea in their homes. Thanks to a USAID-funded program that brought a gas pipeline to a remote village in North Ossetia... Read More ...

Related Items: Russia, Energy

Scott Taylor, USAID Country Coordinator for Azerbaijan and Elshan Asadov, Head of Secretariat, Tariff Council of Azerbaijan (in the middle) made opening remarks at the eventEnergy Stakeholders Train on Tariff Development, Utility Regulation

With the support of USAID, the National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners (NARUC) delivered a five-day training in May 2007 to the Azerbaijani Tariff Council Staff and other relevant energy sector stakeholders... Read More ...

Related Items: Azerbaijan, Energy

REMAP's workshop discussed how to enhance regional electricity tradeRegional Electricity Program Seeks to Build Energy Trade

In early February, the Regional Electricity Marketing Assistance Program (REMAP), a three-year USAID program implemented by USEA, gathered 55 participants from Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, and Russia... Read More ...

Related Items: Central Asia Republics, Energy

Grant, loan, equity and community investments totaling $5 million are developing nine small hydro facilities in rural GeorgiaPromoting Private Sector Investment in Georgia Hydropower

Generation from renewable resources contributes to Georgia’s energy independence and security. Small hydro power plant (SHP) potential is estimated to range between 300 and 500 megawatts, on par with many of Georgia’s largest power assets... Read More ...

Related Items: Georgia, Energy

'I hope I will be cooking my New Year meals on a decent stove, not on this portable one,' says a housewife who will soon be served by a new gas pipelineVillagers Warm to Customs Reforms

Businessman Bacho Dolidze is turning post-Rose Revolution policy reforms into results on the ground in Georgia. Since 2003, his company, the Consulting Group of Caucasus, has been laying new gas pipelines and repairing old ones... Read More ...

Related Items: Georgia, Energy

Abasha resident Shota Shalamberidze (center) has no problem sharing electricity with his village neighborsCommunal Meters Bring Light to Rural Georgia

Georgia’s infamous electricity shortages have affected rural areas the worst. Routine power rationing and blackouts often lead to rural Georgians going weeks without electricity... Read More ...

Related Items: Georgia, Energy

Eter Tsitskashvili, a housewife and grandmother from Rustavi, enjoys a regular supply of electricityRemetering Transforms Life, Attitudes in Georgian City

Rustavi is a desolate city about 30 kilometers east of Georgia’s capital, Tbilisi. When the Soviet Union collapsed, so too did Rustavi’s many factories, which once provided reliable employment for the city’s residents... Read More ...

Related Items: Georgia, Energy

Awards signGeorgian Energy Project Wins Prestigious International Award

USAID’s work with the government of Georgia to transform the largest Georgian state-owned energy utility from a corrupt, inefficient operation into a trusted, well-functioning company... Read More ...

Related Items: Georgia, Energy

Extensive repairs of old machinery at the boiler plantEnergy Efficiency Project Supports Sustainable Community Development

To date, the “Nevyansk-Favorite City” Project, implemented under the USAID-funded Replication of Lessons Learned (ROLL) Program for sustainable development of model communities in Russia has already saved Nevyansk a total of 500,000 rubles... Read More ...

Related Items: Russia, Energy

The BiH Federation's Kakanj Power Plant generates electricity for approximately 350,000 citizensBiH Power Companies Learn to Compete on Merit

For the first time, BiH power companies had to prove their worth before gaining the right to generate and distribute power... Read More ...

Related Items: Bosnia-Herzegovina, Energy

Burning CigarettePassive Smoking – There’s Nothing Passive About It

The Ministry of Health and USAID have launched an innovative public information campaign tackling the subject of passive smoking... Read More ...

Related Items: Energy

Historic Treaty to Boost South East Europe Energy Integration

The first-ever multilateral treaty in South East Europe was signed in Athens, Greece on October 25, 2005... Read More ...

Related Items: Energy

U.S. Ambassador Heather M. Hodges and Mayor Mihail Formuzal ignite the pilot light for the gas lineUSAID Local Government Reform Project Warms Moldovan Neighborhood

Lidia Lazareva, a married mother of two children, is as grateful as anybody in the Sheftelik neighborhood of the Moldovan town of Ceadir Lunga – and perhaps more so than most -- that she finally has a natural gas hook-up... Read More ...

Related Items: Moldova, Energy

'Cash Collection Centers' Greatly Increase Electric Bill Collection Rates

24-hour a day electricity is rare in Kosovo, as an old power plant faces problems generating sufficient power – and most consumers don’t pay for what they use... Read More ...

Related Items: Kosovo, Energy

Demonstration of new technologyWestern NIS Enterprise Fund (WNISEF) Introduces Energy Efficient Technologies to Ukrainian Industry

WNISEF’s investment in Energy Alliance has made it possible for Ukrainian enterprises to access energy efficiency solutions which considerably reduce their energy costs and thus make Ukrainian products more competitive... Read More ...

Related Items: Ukraine, Energy

Mulch loaded onto a truckForest Resources and Technology Project Seeks Solutions for Russia

Promoting Cleaner Biomass Energy in the Russian Far East “USAID is strengthening the wood processing sector while also protecting the value of the resource as well as environment... Read More ...

Related Items: Russia, Energy

Reconnection of the High Voltage Grids of Southeast Europe

On October 10, 2004, the electric grids of Southeast Europe, including Greece, were reconnected to the interconnected system of western Europe. Since the 1991 destruction from war of a large power substation at Ernestinovo in eastern Croatia... Read More ...

Related Items: Energy

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