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Prescription Drugs: Market & Industry
Prescription Drug Trends
Trend data for prescription drug coverage, expenditures, and the key factors that contribute to rising prescription spending.
Testimony, Public Views on Direct to Consumer Prescription Drug Advertising
Mollyann Brodie, Kaiser vice president and dierctor of Public Opinion and Media Research, testified before the House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations about the public's views on prescription drugs, the pharmaceutical industry, and direct-to-consumer advertising.
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Kaiser Fast Facts -- May 2008
“Kaiser Fast Facts” features “QuickTakes” and “Kaiser Slides” – two tools that provide direct access to facts, data and slides about the nation's health care system and programs, in an easy-to-use format. “QuickTakes” presents an inventory of facts-at-a-glance and "Kaiser Slides" allows Web visitors to freely view, download and print graphics and tables of health policy statistics and trends.
Public and Physician Views of Direct-to-Consumer Prescription Drug Advertising -- May 2008
This spotlight examines the public's familiarity with prescription drug advertising, their general opinions of these ads, and their experiences talking to doctors about drugs they saw advertised.  It also explores these topics from the doctors’ point of view. The spotlight compiles and analyzes public opinion data from Kaiser surveys and other sources.
Views On Prescription Drugs & The Pharmaceutical Industry -- May 2008
Kaiser Public Opinion Spotlight: Views On Prescription Drugs And The Pharmaceutical Industry
Follow The Pill: Understanding the U.S. Commercial Pharmaceutical Supply Chain -- March 2005
This report describes the U.S. pharmaceutical supply chain, following prescription drugs as they move from manufacturers, to wholesale distributors, to pharmacies, and ultimately to patients. 
Cost Containment Strategies For Prescription Drugs: Assessing The Evidence In The Literature -- March 2005
This report describes and reviews various options to address prescription drug spending growth, including a description of each cost-containment strategy, its use by private or public payers, and a discussion of known evidence about its effectiveness or cost-saving potential.
Americans Value the Health Benefits of Prescription Drugs, But Say Drug makers Put Profits First, New Survey Shows - Toplines -- February 2005
The most recent Kaiser Health Poll Report found that Americans believe prescription drugs are improving their lives, but most also say that the drug industry cares more about profits than people. The current report analyzes the new data as well as related polling information from earlier surveys by the Kaiser Family Foundation and other organizations.
Impact of Pharmaceutical Promotion on the Use of Antidepressant Medication -- December 2004
Two articles evaluate the impact of direct-to-consumer advertising on the use of antidepressants.
Prescription Drug Trends, October 2004 -- October 2004
This two-page fact sheet, updated in October 2004, provides trend data for prescription drug expenditures and the key factors that contribute to rising prescription spending: increases in utilization and prices, and changes in drug use from older drugs to newer higher-priced drugs.
The Effect of Formularies and Other Cost Management Tools on Access to Medications: An Analysis of the MMA and Proposed Regulations -- September 2004
This paper looks at how formulary designs and other cost-management tools may affect Medicare beneficiaries’ access to medications through their prescription drug plans.
Employer Health Benefits 2004 Annual Survey -- September 2004
This annual survey of employers provides detailed insights into trends in employer-based health coverage, including changes in premiums, employee contributions, cost-sharing policies and other relevant information.  The 2004 survey included 3,017 randomly selected public and private firms with three or more employees and was conducted jointly by the Kaiser Family Foundation and the Health Research and Educational.
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Prescription Drugs: Market & Industry
Prescription drugs have been the fastest-growing component of health care spending, a trend that is attributable primarily to increases in the number of prescriptions dispensed and the shift to newer, high-cost drugs. This increased spending is projected to continue in the future.


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Issue Spotlight: Prescription Drugs
Up-to-date news and information about the prescription drug debate on kaisernetwork.org.
This redesigned and updated website provides the latest state-level data on health spending; prescription drug costs and sales, employment-based insurance premiums, hospital expenses, total state budgets and state spending for health, and more.
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