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Superfund and Technology Liaison (STL) Program

STL Program

The mission of the national Superfund and Technology Liaison program is to facilitate the sound use of science and technology in decision making for hazardous waste programs. The STLs accomplish this mission by:

Technical Support

STL technical support can include any activities that the staff is involved in, including site assessments, remedial investigations, document review, remedial design, environmental cleanup technology demonstrations, optimization, 5 year reviews, aerial photo interpretation, etc. Regional staff can access this support simply by calling their STL and providing a simple task description; no contracts need to be let or money exchanged between the region and ORD. Within limits, it is a free tech support option.


HSTL report cover picture

Hazardous Substances Technical Liasion Program:
Putting Science to Work for EPA Regions

(PDF, 24pp., 1.0MB, about PDF)

*Note: In 2007, the HSTL Program was re-named
the Superfund and Technology Liaison Program.

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