First created 12/24/2003. DRR.

Last updated 03/31/2006. DRR.

link to a larger image of that shown on this page

GEOID03 is a refined model of the geoid in the conterminous
United States (CONUS), which supersedes the previous models
heights range from a low of -50.01 meters (magenta) in the Atlantic
Ocean to a high of 3.43 meters (red) in the Labrador Strait. However,
these geoid heights are only reliable within CONUS due to the limited
extents of the data used to compute it. GEOID03 models will not be
created for other regions. Instead, new models will be created for
all regions at a later date depending on improvements in data,
modeling and techniques.

Note that the GEOID03 file #7, which covers the coastal Lousiana,
region, has been modified. It has been updated based on the most
recent VTDP model for the region to better reflect the actual
orthometric heights at the bench marks.

Have a geoid question?

Dr. Daniel Roman 301-713-3202 x161 or
Dr. Yan Ming Wang 301-713-3202 x127

Have a question about absolute gravimetry and gravity base stations?

Mr. Daniel Winester 303-497-7405