First created 10/01/1999. DAS.

Last updated 11/16/2000. DAS.

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shown on this page

G99SSS is a gravimetric geoid that served
as the basis for GEOID99 within the con-
terminous United States only. G99SSS
was determined from more than 3 million
gravity points and several high resolution
elevation models. Its heights range from
a low of -52.56 meters (magenta) in the
Atlantic Ocean to a high of 3.08 meters
(red) in the Labrador Strait.

Have a geoid question?
Dr. Daniel Roman 301-713-3202 x161 or
Dr. Yan Ming Wang 301-713-3202 x127

Have a question about absolute gravimetry and gravity base stations?
Mr. Daniel Winester 303-497-7405