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C2P2 Fact Sheet EPA530-F-07-010 (PDF) (2 pp, 217K)
Learn more about the C2P2 program.

Report to Congress: “Study on Increasing the Usage of Recovered Mineral Components in Federally Funded Projects Involving Procurement of Cement or Concrete” (PDF) (225 pp, 1.7M)

User Guidelines for Byproducts and Secondary Use Materials in Pavement Construction

Agricultural Uses for Flue Gas Desulfurization (FGD) Gypsum Brochure, EPA530-F-08-009 (PDF) (6 pp, 143K) - We are providing this unofficial pre-publication copy for public reference.

Accompanying the Agricultural Uses for Flue Gas Desulfurization (FGD) Gypsum Brochure posted above, EPA has provided some preliminary data about the trace element constituents of FGD gypsum and mined gypsum. The data are available in a PDF summary (PDF) (1 pp, 16K) or a detailed Excel form (XLS). (166K)

Cold Weather Concrete Mix Design for the Beneficial Use of Coal Fly Ash as a Supplementary Cementitious Material (PDF) (2 pp, 2M)

Facility Average Concentrations of Trace Constituents in Comanaged Coal Combustion Wastes (PDF), (1 pp, 15K) selected table from Wastes from the Combustion of Fossil Fuels, EPA 530-R-99-010

You will need Adobe Reader to view some of the files on this page. See EPA's PDF page to learn more.

Selected tables (PDF) (7 pp, 35K) from Technical Background Document for the Report to Congress on Remaining Wastes from Fossil Fuel Combustion: Waste Characterization

National Synthesis Report on Regulations, Standards, and Practices Related to the Use of Coal Combustion Products (PDF) (65 pp, 451K)

Waste and Materials-Flow Benchmark Sector Report: Beneficial Use of Secondary Materials - Coal Combustion Products (PDF) (95 pp, 558K)
This report provides an initial assessment of the baseline practices, markets, and policies that affect the recovery and use of CCPs, as well as an overview of life cycle information available to estimate incremental benefits associated with additional beneficial use.

A novel way to upgrade the coarse part of a high calcium fly ash for reuse into cement systems (PDF) (9 pp, 895K)
This paper from Waste Management by Drs. S.K. Antiohos and S. Tsimas of the National Technical University of Athens, Greece, examines a new method whereby coarse “reject” fly ash is processed so that may be suitable for use in cement applications.

Using Coal Ash in Highway Construction: A Guide to Benefits and Impacts (PDF) (50 pp, 2.3MB)
Provides basic information, cost and performance benefits, environmental benefits, health concerns, and case studies on the use of coal ash in constructing highways.

Fly Ash Facts for Highway Engineers (PDF) (81 pp, 6.1MB) Exit EPA
Provides basic information about the uses of fly ash from the Federal Highway Administration.

CCP Building Applications
Provides guidance on finding and using CCP materials in building applications, and includes links to related research, standards, and resources.

Use of EPA’S Industrial Waste Management Evaluation Model (IWEM) to Support Beneficial Use Determinations (PDF) (85 pp, 1.2MB)

Statement by Gov. Schwarzenegger on EPA Award for California’s Leadership in the Construction Use of Waste Products Exit EPA Statement following the EPA's award to Caltrans for the use of recycled ash from burned coal in concrete for the construction of the new Bay Bridge.

Evaluation of IWEM For Non-Federal Users With Regard to Highway Applications (PDF) (9 pp, 236K)
This progress report provides an update of an ongoing study to evaluate whether the Industrial Waste Management Evaluation Model (IWEM) can be used as a predictive tool to accurately determine whether leaching from materials will result in significant changes in groundwater concentrations when the materials are reused as a base or sub-base in a roadway.

Federal Green Construction Guide for Specifiers Exit EPA
To address the need for a comprehensive guide for procuring green building products and construction services within the Federal government, EPA has partnered with the Federal Environmental Executive and the Whole Building Design Guide (WBDG) to develop the Federal Green Construction Guide for Specifiers.

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The US EPA is not responsible for the content of these sites.

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