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Performance Results - Special Edition

Ray Wynter
(202) 501-3802
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About Performance Measures - Special Edition

Real Property Performance Results, Special Edition, is a pilot study to benchmark operating costs of "monumental" federal buildings. GSA issued this edition as a measure to help achieve the GSA strategic goal to "achieve responsible asset management and provide best value for customer agencies and taxpayers." GSA is working towards this goal by providing agencies with effective, efficient, and progressive policies, best practices and performance measures.

Within Performance Measures - Special Edition

This edition analyzes benchmark data of operating costs of several atypical, federal buildings. The goal is to benchmark the operating cost of office buildings that have operating requirements beyond the "vanilla office buildings" that are annually published in the sister publication, Real Property Performance Results. This pilot will help organizations understand the differences between operating atypical of facilities versus "regular" office buildings, and the differences that exist among the monumental buildings themselves. The real property performance measures program serves as a "reality check" for federal agencies in extrapolating future budget requests from its current database of historical cost data.

For more information on the Performance Measurement Program, including performance results and related studies, visit Performance Measures/Results and our Library for related topics.

PDF and MS Word files of the Real Property Performance Results, Special Edition can be accessed below. Hard copies of this publication can be obtained at no charge via email at

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  Performance Results - Special Edition PDF 17349k  
  Performance Results - Special Edition Word 156k