Blanket Purchase Agreements

The General Services Administration’s Integrated Workplace Acquisition Center (GSA IWAC) is recognized as the leading government agency in assisting federal customers with their furniture and furnishings needs. GSA IWAC helps federal customers’ meet their needs through a variety of contracting methods.

One method includes collaborating with federal customers to establish Blanket Purchase Agreements (BPAs) for their furniture, furnishings, and related services requirements. BPAs serve as a continuous source for the customer to place their purchase/task orders, which saves federal customers’ time and provides lower pricing than the pricing negotiated under Multiple Award Schedule contracts.

BPAs have been established by GSA IWAC for the following federal customers:

  • Department of Homeland Security's Customs & Border Protection (CBP) and Immigration & Customs Enforcement Agencies (ICE)
  • Internal Revenue Service - Tax Assistance Centers (IRS-TAC)
  • Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).

Doc ID Name Format Size Publish Date
  DHS BPA Guide This guide provides information on products and services available under the DHS BPA. PDF 1569k  
  IRS TAC Guide This guide provides information on products and services available under the IRS TAC BPA. PDF 901k  
Last Reviewed 3/10/2009