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Regulatory Barriers Database

Note: Many records in our database contain more than one type of barrier and/or solution. When searching within a particular category, we've purposely limited the highlight (summary) results to only those which specifically relate to your request. However, when you look for results based on more general, non-category-specific searches, you'll often see multiple icons (and highlights) displayed.

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Topics: Planning & Growth Restrictions

Results: 206 Matches

131.  § 4414. Zoning; Permissible Types of Regulations

Location(s): Vermont

Planning & Growth Restrictions Barrier It is implied that not enough provisions exist to enable planning for affordable housing within the state.

132.  Barriers To Affordable Housing

Location(s): Colorado Eagle County

Planning & Growth Restrictions Barrier It is implied that there is inadequate planning at the regional level to meet affordable housing needs.

133.  The Relationship Between Growth Constraints and Housing Affordability

Location(s): NATIONAL

Planning & Growth Restrictions Barrier The author implies that housing costs are often too high, forcing people to live on the fringes of development. This pattern increases sprawl and stresses overused infrastructures.

134.  Growth Controls and Individual Liberties

Location(s): NATIONAL

Planning & Growth Restrictions Barrier Growth control policies that increase housing costs serve to limit the availability of housing and preclude many from homeownership.

135.  Town Eyes Steps Toward Affordable Housing

Location(s): Massachusetts Dracut

Planning & Growth Restrictions Barrier The article implies that communities want to take control of affordable housing plans in their neighborhoods rather than be at the mercy of developers.

136.  Lee's housing trend: Prices show area's affluence, but also lack of affordable housing

Location(s): NATIONAL
  Florida Lee County
  Florida Naples

Planning & Growth Restrictions Barrier Single-family units are not sufficient for meeting all of Lee County’s affordable housing and growth needs.

137.  Using Impact Fees to Finance Schools and Other Public Construction Occasioned by New Development

Location(s): NATIONAL
  Nebraska Lincoln
  Nebraska Omaha

Planning & Growth Restrictions Barrier The author implies that potential costs are often used as a reason to block developments by "slow-growth" advocates.

138.  Smart Growth, Growth Management, and Housing Affordability in Washington State

Location(s): Washington

Planning & Growth Restrictions Barrier The authors dispute criticism of their study that growth management laws drive up the cost of housing.

139.  Limiting Growth

Location(s): California

Planning & Growth Restrictions Barrier The author says that communities that limit growth cause spillover effects in neighboring communities.

140.  Affordable Housing: Barriers and Solutions for Maine

Location(s): Maine

Planning & Growth Restrictions Barrier Maine has identified growth cap policies as a practice that increases housing costs.


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Content updated on 5/9/2009  
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