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EnergyPlus Utilities

EnergyPlus comes with several utilities to help create input files and run simulations, including IDF Editor and EP-Launch.


EP-Launch provides a simpler alternative for running EnergyPlus than batch files. EP-Launch allows the user to select the input file directly or from a list of recent or sample files. It also allows easy selection for weather data files. After the EnergyPlus run completes, EP-Launch reports if any errors or warnings occurred. In addition, EP-Launch acts as a file manager for each run and can help open a text editor for any of the input and output files, opens spreadsheet for several results files, and starts up a viewer for the building drawing file.

Screen Shot of EP-Launch.

IDF Editor

For users who want a simple way of creating or editing EnergyPlus input data files (IDF), IDF Editor provides this service. Any EnergyPlus object may be viewed and edited using a spreadsheet-like grid. For inputs with several options, a list is provided. When a numeric input has a range of valid values, those values are displayed. It also automatically provides a list of object names when an object needs to be linked to another. By displaying all objects of the same kind next to each other in a grid, it is easy to see how inputs are different across the building. The IDF Editor outputs an EnergyPlus input file with proper syntax and comments to help the user understand the input values. In addition, the IDF Editor converts standard inch-pound units into SI units compatible with EnergyPlus.

Screen Shot of IDF Editor.

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EnergyPlus Copyright© 1996-2009 The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois and The Regents of the University of California through the Ernest Orlando Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.
All rights reserved.
EnergyPlus is a trademark of the United States Department of Energy.

U.S. Department of Energy