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Outside the Classroom

Ready for Work

The leaves hadn't begun to change colors on trees across campus last fall, but senior Aria Behrouzi already had a job offer in hand from a national, high-profile manufacturing company. Then, the U.S. economy took a nosedive and his position - along with many others - was no more. Determination, a bit of creative thinking and guidance from a group of NC State career service specialists all played a part in getting Behrouzi back on track and into an exciting new job - just in time for Saturday's graduation festivities.

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 Proteins, Soft Tissue from 80 Million-Year-Old Hadrosaur Show that Molecules Preserve Over Time

Proteins, Soft Tissue from 80 Million-Year-Old Hadrosaur Show that Molecules Preserve Over Time

A North Carolina State University paleontologist has more evidence that soft tissues and original proteins can be preserved over time - even in fossilized remains - in the form of new protein sequence data from an 80 million-year-old hadrosaur, or duck-billed dinosaur.


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