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US Fish & Wildlife Service - Journal Entry
Restoration Plan and Environmental Assessment Finalized for North Bronson Superfund Site in Michigan
Region 3, January 29, 2008

In February 2000, a natural resource damage settlement was achieved for the North Bronson Industrial Area Superfund Site located in Branch County, Michigan.  The Service, on behalf of the DOI, was the sole settling natural resource trustee.  The funds available from the settlement for restoration activities totaled approximately $100,000.  Of that, $15,000 has already been spent on two pilot restoration projects.


The Final Restoration Plan and Environmental Assessment (RP/EA) describes the Service's selected alternative to restore injured natural resources in accordance with National Environmental Policy Act regulations.  The preferred restoration alternative for the remaining $98,350.34 settlement funds (includes interest) consists of off-site restoration projects.  The Final RP/EA can be viewed online: http://www.fws.gov/midwest/nrda/documents/finalRPEANBronson.pdf


Working with the Private Lands Office and their partners, restoration projects would involve forging cooperative agreements with willing landowners to enhance and protect wetland and stream habitats to benefit migratory birds and other trust resources that use these habitats.  It is anticipated that at least one restoration project will be completed in FY2008.  Additional restoration projects will be planned and completed until funding is depleted. 


Contact Info: Midwest Region Public Affairs, 612-713-5313, charles_traxler@fws.gov