Federal GLOBE Newsletter-Globalview

Advertising with Federal GLOBE

Federal GLOBE is the Association of Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender Employees of the Federal Government. Federal GLOBE's quarterly newsletter, GlobalView, is direct-mailed to our 800 dues-paying members.  Total readership among federal employees is estimated at approximately 2,000, as many members reproduce copies for their agency-level GLOBE chapters. 

GlobalView's format is black and white, 8 ½ x 11, saddle stitched.

Advertising fees are:

    $45 1/4 page
    $80 1/2 page (horizontal or vertical)
    $130 full page

    Submit camera-ready copy to:
    Len Hirsch
    Federal GLOBE
    PO Box 23922
    Washington, D.C. 20026-3922

Electronic copy may be acceptable, contact Len Hirsch at Len@fedglobe.org.

June 2001 View PDF (PDF)
June 2001 (RTF)

»The Irony of Politics »June 2001 Federal GLOBE and Affiliates Pride Events »Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Honors GLOBE Member

View PDF Note:  Adobe Acrobat Reader version 3.0 or newer is required to read this file.  Download Acrobat Reader from www.adobe.com.

October - December 1998

»Building a Federal Community Across the Nation »Executive Order 13087 Stands »Federal GLOBE Committee Explores Domestic Partner Benefits »Pittsburgh! Third GLOBE National Conference »Federal GLOBE Board Member Departs »Lambda PTO Happenings

July - September 1998

»Federal GLOBE Consults with White House On New Executive Order »NEW GLB FEDERAL PROTECTIONS UNDER ATTACK FROM FAR RIGHT »GLIFFA and Federal GLOBE Host Five-Nation Discussion on Treatment of GLB Partners »NIH Initiates "Noons In June" Series »DOT GLOBE Addresses Stalled Efforts »Lambda PTO Highlights Pride and Community Service »Pacific Federal GLOBE »Financial Management Service "Unity Celebration" »IRS GLOBE Marks Workplace Progress »IRS GLOBE/Fresno Racks Up 1998 Accomplishments »HUD GLOBE Sponsors Play About AIDS Awareness

May 1998

»Federal GLOBE President Addresses EEO Council » DOJ Sexual Orientation Workshops Continue» Domestic Partners Bill for Federal Employees» Community Service is a Way of Life for IRS GLOBE »National Coming Out Day Register » Federal GLOBE Offers Training to Marines » When is it Discrimination? » Alaska: Juneau Federal Building Exhibit Draws Praise »Federal GLOBE, NGLTF Address State Department Senior Seminar

January 1998
»Second Annual Conference... Beyond the Beltway » Protection for Air Force Civilians » Treasury Procedures for Redress »Tax Preparation Assistance for People with HIV/AIDS » Special HIV/AIDS in the Workplace Education »Second Annual GLOBE Conference Report

November 1997
»Second Annual Conference Nearing »Welcome New Board Members »A New Look and New Content » OPM GLOBE President Honored »Federal GLOBE Meeting Highlights

May 1997
»Federal GLOBE Steps to A Better Workplace »Federal GLOBE Partership Program »Sexual Orientation in the Workplace » Commerce GLOBE: Supports Coalition of Minority Employees; Advises OCR on How Best to Serve GLB Employees; Provides Introduction to Secretary Daley »Stand Up and Be Counted »Homosexuality, Citizenship, and the Constitution » The 1997 Franklin E. Kameny Award

December 1996
»Federal GLOBE's first annual congress: State of Federal GLOBE; Buidling Relations With Unions; Keynote Speaker: Chai Feldblum; Outreach to Your Agency Field Offices; Second Annual Kameny Award Presentation; Remarks by Rep. Barney Frank » Coalition Building Through Community Service Projects »Building Common Ground

August 1996
»Federal GLOBE's First Annual Congress »Federal GLOBE Grant Program »NCOD Goes on Record » Awareness Month Generates Congressional Inquiries at Commerce »HUD Quilt Panel

June 1995
»Pride Day Celebrations »Coming Out in the Age of Technology»IRS GLOBE VITA Project