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Enhancements to Data Quality and Data Collection Procedures
  • To develop and evaluate Agency initiatives to improve the quality of observer data from regional observer programs.
  • To evaluate the procedures for collection of observer data, including the review of data collection methodologies and bycatch estimation procedures.
  • To develop technological and methodological enhancements to improve data collection techniques.
  • To enhance the quality of data collected by observers through development of national standards for the collection, management, and distribution of observer data.
  • To enhance integration of observer data with other data collection programs such as logbooks, VMS, and landing reports.
  • To develop and update a national bycatch report for documentation of regional and national bycatch estimates and estimation procedures, identification of gaps in coverage, and input into strategic planning processes.
Policy Development
  • To identify amendments under the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act, Marine Mammal Protection Act, Endangered Species Act, and other federal legislation necessary to support observer program activities.
  • To develop national policies on issues of national concern to observer programs, such as hiring and training observers, observer safety and health, and data confidentiality.
Observer Support
  • To recognize and support the needs of observers so that they are able to collect high quality scientific data.
  • To communicate NOP activities of interest to the observer community
Program Enhancements
  • To identify the agency’s highest priorities for observer data collection and make recommendations on how observer programs can fulfill those needs. 
  • To review regional observer programs and make recommendations on how to improve program operations and administration
  • To review the cost efficiency and effectiveness of observer program operations.
Outreach and Education
  • To communicate the goals and objectives of NOAA Fisheries observer programs at a national level.
  • To support and coordinate the outreach activities of regional observer programs.
  • To formalize working relationships between observer programs and other state/federal agencies and organizations.
  • To support and participate in the International Fisheries Observer Conference.
  • To maintain an awareness of observer programs worldwide.
  • To assist other NMFS offices with international observer-related issues.
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