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Who can and cannot receive equipment?

Deaf, Hard of Hearing, Deaf-Blind, and Speech Impaired residents of Arizona qualify for telecommunication equipment through AzTEDP.

Parents of a deaf child, businesses, and hearing people who are friends or work with people with a hearing loss, for example, do not qualify for telecommunication equipment. But they may contact AzTEDP for information and training.

Who can sign my application form?

Any of the professionals below can sign your application form:

  • Audiologist
  • Hearing aid dispenser
  • Medical doctor
  • Nurse practitioner
  • Speech-language pathologist (sometimes called a speech therapist)
  • Vocational rehabilitation counselor (must have CRC)
  • Doctor/Physician Assistant
  • Dispensing Audiologist
How much does it cost?

Equipment through AzTEDP is free to all Deaf, Hard of Hearing, Deaf-Blind, and Speech Impaired Arizonans.

The equipment is on loan to you. They are yours to use as long as you need them. If you move out of the State, or do not use the equipment, you must return them to AzTEDP.

What kinds of equipment can I get?

People who qualify for telecommunication equipment through AzTEDP can get one primary device and one secondary device.

A primary device is a main piece of equipment and can be many different things, including a TTY, VCO phone, cochlear telephone, or a speech-enhancing device.

A secondary device is equipment that complements a primary device or any standard telephone technology, and examples are an audible ringing signaling device and a light signal.

How long will it take before I get my equipment?

As soon as you put your voucher to use. You will need to go through a business and customer service varies from business to business.

When can I exchange my old equipment from AzTEDP for new ones?

Equipment is loaned to you for five years from the date you received the equipment or until you move out of Arizona.
For how long will my equipment be good?

All voucher equipment processed after July 1, 2007 through AzTEDP has a five-year warranty.

If you received your devices from AzTEDP before November 2002, and it breaks down, bring it back to us and we will repair it. If you received your devices from AzTEDP in or after November 2002 and it breaks down, contact AzTEDP for more information on what to do.

Can I sell or trade the equipment I get from AzTEDP?

The equipment belongs to the State of Arizona and is on loan to you. You cannot sell or trade the equipment, give it to other people, or take it out of the state for more than 90 days.

What if my disability changes?

If your disability has changed recently, AzTEDP will allow you to exchange your equipment for new vouchers so you can get the telecommunications equipment that best fits your needs. Documentation in letter form from a professional stating the nature of the change in disability is required.

For example, if you have lost speech in addition to hearing and cannot use your Voice Carry Over phone, you qualify for a voucher to get a TTY.

Where can I get training on how to use my devices from AzTEDP?

AzTEDP and all demonstration sites offers free training on equipment use to everyone in the State of Arizona, including individuals who do not receive equipment from AzTEDP as well as state agencies, businesses, and community organizations.

If you would like to schedule a one-on-one session or an in-service training for your staff, just contact us.

Who is responsible for what?

Businesses registered with AzTEDP will distribute equipment, do repairs to equipment under warranty, and provide customer service and training on how to use equipment.

You are responsible for making sure your equipment is properly used and maintained. Please read the manual that comes with your equipment. You are also responsible to return equipment to AzTEDP if you move out of state.

What happens if my device is broken, lost, or stolen?

Malfunction: If your equipment was broken through misuse or negligence, you will be expected to cover the costs of repairs or to reimburse AzTEDP for its current value. If the equipment broke down through normal use, repairs will not cost you.

Loss: If you lose your equipment, you are obligated to reimburse AzTEDP for its current value.

Theft: If your equipment was stolen, give AzTEDP a copy of the police report. AzTEDP will gladly issue a new voucher.
Damage: If your equipment is damaged, you can pay for repairs or pay the current retail value of the device.

Where do I return my equipment from AzTEDP?

If you do not need your equipment for whatever reason, promptly return it to the AzTEDP main office. Please do not leave it at a demonstration site.

If you prefer to mail it to us, we will pay the cost; shipping must be to us and you can get current shipping information by contacting AzTEDP. Equipment returned must be clean, working, securely packaged, and in "like new" condition, including the manual and all parts.

Where can I get more information about AzTEDP?

We have a policy and procedures manual. To read the manual, please contact us.

602-264-6876 (Phoenix Area) V/TTY
866-223-3412 (520 & 928 Area Codes) V/TTY
602-542-3488 Fax

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Notice of Proposed Rulemaking
September 17 2008
Notice of Proposed Rulemaking-Published September 12, 2008- Written comments are being acceptepted until October 12, 2008 and Oral Proceedings will take place October 16, 2008 at 1pm.

2008 Arizona Deaf Festival
September 03 2008
Come celebrate our Deaf Heritage in Arizona with us at the 2008 Arizona Deaf Festival! This fun event is being held on Saturday September 27, 2008 from 9 am to 5pm at Encanto Recreational Park (2605 N. 15th Ave) in Phoenix, AZ. Click on the title of this story, or scroll down to our vlog on the main page to learn more about this exciting event coming very soon!

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Arizona Tinnitus Support Group
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Phoenix Association of the Deaf (PAD) General Memebership Meeting
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