PUBLIC NOTICE FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION 1919 M STREET, N.W. WASHINGTON, D.C. 20554 DA 98-591 News media information 202/418-0500 Fax-On-Demand 202/418-2830 Internet: Released: March 26, 1998 COMMISSION SEEKS COMMENT ON REQUESTS FOR COMMISSION ACTION FILED BY MCI TELECOMMUNICATIONS CORPORATION AND VARTEC TELECOM, INC. CONCERNING CARRIER IDENTIFICATION CODES (CC Docket No. 92-237) Comment Date: April 10, 1998 In its October 22, 1997, Order on Reconsideration, the Commission directed all local exchange carriers (LECs) to offer a standard intercept message to inform callers that a dialing pattern change has occurred, as a result of the expansion from three to four-digit CICs, and to instruct the caller to contact its interexchange carrier for further information. Administration of the North American Numbering Plan, Carrier Identification Codes (CICs), Order on Reconsideration, Order on Application for Review and Second Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, CC Docket No. 92-237, FCC 97-386 (rel. Oct. 22, 1997). The intercept message must be offered on or before June 30, 1998. On March 17, 1998, MCI Communications Corporation (MCI) filed an ex parte letter requesting that the Commission resolve an impasse concerning the standard intercept message. MCI objects to the intercept message developed by the Network Interconnection and Interoperability Forum (NIIF) and the LECs' application of Special Information Tones (SITs). MCI requests that the Commission order the removal of "extraneous and unnecessary language" from the NIIF intercept message and that SITs cannot be used. On March 23, 1998, VarTec Telecom, Inc. (VarTec) filed an ex parte letter requesting that the Commission take action to ensure that all LECs use the standard intercept message developed by the NIIF. VarTec also objects to the use of SITs in connection with the intercept message. Interested parties may file comments no later than April 10, 1998; no reply comments will be accepted. Comments and reply comments should discuss issues raised in the MCI and VarTec ex parte letters regarding the standard intercept message to be offered by LECs. Other issues raised by MCI and VarTec regarding the transition from three to four-digit CICs will be addressed in a separate proceeding. An original and four copies of all comments and replies must be filed in accordance with Section 1.51(c) of the Commission's rules, 47 C.F.R.  1.51(c). In addition, one copy of each pleading must be filed with the Commission's copy contractor, International Transcription Services, Inc., 1231 20th Street, N.W., Washington, D.C., 20036, and two copies with the Chief, Network Services Division, Room 235, 2000 M Street, N.W., Washington D.C. 20554. For further information, contact Renee Alexander, (202) 418-2497 (voice), (202) 418-2224 (TTY), or Kris Monteith, (202) 418-1098, at the Network Services Division, Common Carrier Bureau, Federal Communications Commission. -FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION-