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US Fish & Wildlife Service - Journal Entry
Topminnow release at Aravaipa
Region 2, October 26, 2005
Arizona State Parks, Bureau of Land Management, Arizona Game and Fish Department, and USFWS transported and released Gila topminnow into Larry Creek, Agua Fria National Monument.  Gila chub had previously been released into Larry Creek.  Section 7 consultation allowed the fish to be released on BLM lands.  About 600 Gila topminnow were captured from Coalmine Spring, which was recently purchased by AGFD and managed by Arizona State Parks.  The topminnow were flown by helicopter provided by the Bureau of Reclamation to the release site.  The helicopter saved transport time and greatly reduced the time that the fish were held catpive, thereby greatly reducing their handling stress.

Contact Info: Martin Valdez, 505-248-6599, martin_valdez@fws.gov