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Code of Federal Regulations Pertaining to U.S. Department of Labor

Title 29  



Chapter IV  

Office of Labor-Management Standards, Department of Labor



Part 453  

General Statement Concerning the Bonding Requirements of the Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act of 1959

29 CFR 453.11 - The nature of the ``duties'' to which the bonding requirement relates.

  • Section Number: 453.11
  • Section Name: The nature of the ``duties'' to which the bonding requirement relates.

    The bonding requirement in section 502(a) relates only to duties of 
the specified personnel in connection with their handling of funds or 
other property to which this section refers. It does not have reference 
to the special duties imposed upon representatives of labor 
organizations by virtue of the positions of trust which they occupy, 
which are dealt with in section 501(a), and for which civil remedies for 
breach of the duties are provided in section 501(b). The fact that the 
bonding requirement is limited to personnel who handle funds or other 
property indicates the correctness of these conclusions. They find 
further support in the differences between sections 501(a) and 502(a) of 
the Act which sufficiently indicate that the scope of the two sections 
is not coextensive.
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