"Knowing what I do, there would be no future peace for me if I kept silent... It is, in the deepest sense, a privilege as well as a duty to speak out—
to many thousands of people..." —Rachel Carson
Rachel Carson

The Rachel Carson Council, an Association for the integrity of the environment, founded in 1965, seeks to inform and advise the public about the effects of pesticides that threaten the health, welfare, and survival of living organisms and biological systems. The Council promotes alternative, environmentally benign pest management strategies to encourage healthier, sustainable living. ...more

Welcome to the new Rachel Carson Council website! This site is a great resource for researching and learning more about the hazards of pesticides.

We are continuing to update the content of the website, so be sure to check back often!

Current News and Issues

RCC's Letter to Barack Obama
An open letter to President Obama has been sent c/o the White House from the Rachel Carson Council. It recomends steps that will lead to healthier conditions for people and the plant. It is in the Spirit of Silent Spring. more...
Family Alert
"A Family Alert" aims to represent Rachel Carson's legacy in three ways: Part A, "Toxic Chemicals in Everyday Products..." provides information on 12 types of potentially hazardous substances that may be found in household items. more...
The "Green" Connection at Barona Golf Club
The Barona Creek Golf Club in San Diego,CA recently announced that it would make the effort to “go green” by reducing the amount of turf on its golf course. This action drew an insightful commentary from the Radio Business Report. more...
Golf Going Green--Golf Digest Article
Golf Digest’s December Issue has an article by Ron Witten highlighting courses at three very different locations where turf is being successfully managed without the use of chemical pesticides. more...
EPA to Study Flea & Tick control for Pets
The EPA recently announced that it would increase its evaluation of whether or not further restrictions are needed for spot-on pesticide products used on pets. The EPA lists seven active registrations and 46 specific products that it will be examining. more...
EPA Endocrine Disruptor Tier 1 Study
On April 15th the EPA published several notices relating to its Endocrine Disruptor Screening Program (EDSP). In particular, the EPA published its final list of chemicals that will be tested under the Tier 1 screening program. This list includes 58 pest more...

A Gardener Alert - Avoid Killer Compost
Two chemical herbicide active ingredients, clopyralid and aminopyralid are so persistent that they can poison compost and make it hazardous for use on any non-grass plants (those with broad leaves). more...


Looking Ahead... News and Events

03/23/09: Rachel Carson Sense of Wonder Contest

The Rachel Carson Council, the EPA, Generations United, and the Liz Lerman Dance Exchange have partnered together to hold The Rachel Carson Sense of Wonder, Poetry, Dance, Photo and Essay contest. Create a work of art that expresses the sense of wonder you feel for the natural world around us!

More information on how to enter can be found at the EPA site.

Entries are Due June 10, 2009!


02/06/09: Special Donations to RCC

Often people make donations to the Rachel Carson Council, in memory of or in honor of dear friends, relatives or companion animals.

Take a moment to look the names of these important people, pets, and concerns. You can find the list of these donations here.

