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My tears are watermarks
Which imprint forever
Sentient reminders of gentle hopes
And dreams subdued.
Extant in painful thought they are
And sleep afar
In caves of ancient echoes
Wailing for my perished child
Who now guised in angel's silk
Sings madrigals of sweet delight
And turns my tears heavenward
To drift peacefully into the
Forgiving canyons of winters night.

Memnon, the son of Eos, Goddess of Dawn, 
mourned his death by weeping every morning.

>>More Poetry from Hygeia

jflower.jpg (3434 bytes)Welcome to Hygeia®. Hygeia®, symbolic of the Greek mythological goddess of health and healing for which it is named, is an international community of compassion, empathy and support for families who have endured the tragedy of miscarriage, stillbirth and neonatal / infant loss. The Hygeia Foundation, Inc. is a IRS approved 501c-3 non-profit organization. Online since 1995 and with over 30,000 members, Hygeia® has become the most enduring program of compassion, empathy and support pertaining to Perinatal Loss. Hygeia® provides programs to educate, counsel and support families who grieve the loss of a pregnancy or newborn child, advocate for the healthcare of women and children,worldwide, and promote humanism in the education of tomorrow's healthcare professionals. [More]

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Michael R. Berman, M.D.
Clinical Professor of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Sciences
Yale University School of Medicine

Founder and President
Hygeia Foundation and Institute for
Perinatal Loss and Bereavement

Hygeia is Charter Member of the International Stillbirth Alliance Women and Family Life Center Baby Kick Alliance is a Hygeia Affinity Organization Dr. Berman on Board of Directors of First Candle

This website is certified by Health On the Net Foundation. Click to verify.

©Copyright 2008  Hygeia Foundation, Inc.  All rights reserved
Page Created: 6/30/95  
Last Updated:

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264 Amity Road Suite 211
Woodbridge, Connecticut USA  06525

Hygeia®, symbolic of the Greek mythological goddess of health and healing for which it is named, is an international community of
compassion, empathy and support for families who have endured the tragedy of miscarriage, stillbirth and neonatal / infant loss.
The Hygeia Foundation, Inc. is a IRS approved 501c-3 non-profit organization.
