The Milbank Memorial Fund is an endowed operating foundation that works to improve health by helping decision makers in the public and private sectors acquire and use the best available evidence to inform policy for health care and population health. The Fund has engaged in nonpartisan analysis, study, research, and communication on significant issues in health policy since its inception in 1905. Its staff organizes and participates in meetings with decision makers and publishes reports, books, and The Milbank Quarterly, a peer-reviewed journal of population health and health policy.

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Most Recent Report

Healthy States/Healthy Nation: Essays for a New Administration and a New Congress
Co-published by the Reforming States Group and the Milbank Memorial Fund

Current Featured Article

"Obesity Metaphors: How Beliefs about the Causes of Obesity Affect Support for Public Policy"
Colleen L. Barry, Victoria L. Brescoll, Kelly D. Brownell, and Mark Schlesinger
March 2009 (Volume 87 Number 1)*

*Throughout 2009 this entire issue is freely accessible online at Wiley-Blackwell by clicking on the following link: