B Cell Abnormalities in HIV Infection: Impact of Virus-Induced Lymphopenia and Immune Activation


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Air date: Wednesday, March 18, 2009, 4:15:00 PM
Category: Immunology
Description: Next week's IIG seminar will be by one of our own investigators, Susan Moir, a staff scientist and expert virologist working at the Laboratory of Immunoregulation, NIAID. In her work in collaboration with Dr. Anthony Fauci, Susan has cleverly characterized immune responses in HIV-infected individuals, both before and after treatment with antiretroviral drugs. Among her discoveries in the field is the finding of various B cell anomalies that occur under high viremic conditions. She has recently reported the existence of a pool of B cells with an exhausted phenotype and reduced memory capability in HIV-infected individuals. Come to see her seminar and open your eyes to the B cell side of retroviral infection!


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The Immunology Interest Group
Author: Suan Moir, Ph.D.
Runtime: 75 minutes
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CIT File ID: 14974
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