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Understanding DMD
Introduction to DMD
"Muscular Dystrophy" is a broad term used to label gene-related disorders that affect muscles throughout the body. There are more than 20 specific genetic disorders considered to be Muscular Dystrophy...
Informational Video
Who gets DMD
DMD is not specific to any one group. All ethnic groups are equally susceptible to both Duchenne and Becker MD. But what often sets...
What causes DMD
Within our gene makeup, there is an important muscle protein called 'dystrophin' which is one of the largest genes found to date. Dystrophin...
How DMD is detected
Currently there is no way to detect Duchenne or Becker MD at birth. DMD is typically diagnosed in young men between the ages of 3 and 7...
There is no way to stop DMD from progressing once a boy is born with the disorder. However once a child with DMD is born into a family, it is possible to offer prenatal diagnosis in future pregnancies...
Symptoms of DMD
The progression of DMD leads to many physical symptoms that typically affect different portions of the body, including the back (spine), legs, feet, joints and tendons...
Progression of DMD
Typically DMD is diagnosed between the ages of three and seven, however, the rates of progression and severity of each case is different. There are four stages that are usually associated with DMD...