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Shoreline RankingsRankings ListExample Ranking

Shoreline Sensitivity Rankings List

The following table is a complete list of shoreline classifications for Environmental Sensitivity Index (ESI) maps for three types of environmental settings:

  • Estuarine. River-mouth; salt- or brackish-water.
  • Lacustrine. Related to lakes.
  • Riverine. Related to rivers, particularly large rivers.

Lower rankings represent shorelines that are less susceptible to damage by oiling; higher rankings become more likely to experience damage by oiling. Note: Follow the ESI Shoreline Types link at the bottom of the page to see photos of many of the shoreline types.

ESI RankEstuarineLacustrineRiverine
1AExposed rocky shoresExposed rocky shoresExposed rocky banks
1BExposed, solid man-made structuresExposed, solid man-made structuresExposed, solid man-made structures
1CExposed rocky cliffs with boulder talus baseExposed rocky cliffs with boulder talus baseExposed rocky cliffs with boulder talus base
2AExposed wave-cut platforms in bedrock, mud, or clayShelving bedrock shoresRocky shoals, bedrock ledges
2BExposed scarps and steep slopes in clay
3AFine to medium-grained sand beaches
3BScarps and steep slopes in sandEroding scarps in unconsolidated sedimentExposed, eroding banks in unconsolidated sediments
3CTundra cliffs
4Coarse-grained sand beachesSand beachesSandy bars and gently sloping banks
5Mixed sand and gravel beachesMixed sand and gravel beachesMixed sand and gravel bars and gently sloping banks
6AGravel beaches

Gravel beaches (granules and pebbles)*
Gravel beachesGravel bars and gently sloping banks

Gravel beaches (cobbles and boulders)*
7Exposed tidal flatsExposed tidal flats
8ASheltered scarps in bedrock, mud, or clay

Sheltered rocky shores (impermeable)*
Sheltered scarps in bedrock, mud, or clay
8BSheltered, solid man-made structures

Sheltered rocky shores (permeable)*
Sheltered, solid man-made structuresSheltered, solid man-made structures
8CSheltered riprapSheltered riprapSheltered riprap
8DSheltered rocky rubble shores
8EPeat shorelines
8FVegetated, steeply-sloping bluffs
9ASheltered tidal flatsSheltered sand/mud flats
9BVegetated low banksVegetated low banksVegetated low banks
9Hypersaline tidal flats
10ASalt- and brackish-water marshes
10BFreshwater marshesFreshwater marshesFreshwater marshes
10DScrub-shrub wetlands; Mangroves**Scrub-shrub wetlandsScrub-shrub wetlands
10EInundated low-lying tundra
* A category or definition that applies only in Southeast Alaska.
** In tropical climates, 10D indicates areas of dominant mangrove vegetation.

For More Information

Shoreline RankingsRankings ListExample Ranking
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