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Teacher at Sea: May 19, 2004 Log

Multibeam Sonar Bottom Survey

Curtis Watkins, NOAA Teacher at Sea

Teacher at sea Curtis Watkins

NOAA Teacher at Sea, Curtis Watkins, anticipates his ride on a survey launch that will collect bottom sounding data in southeast Alaska.

I spent my first day on a survey launch with AB Kenny Keys, ENS Nichole Manning, and ENS Brent Pounds and it was a long day. The launch was mapping the bottom by collecting multibeam data. I'm very happy that I did not get seasick. Most of the fishing vessels were very respectful of our transits and gave us wide berth. There was one exception. I was even given a chance to drive the boat.

Survey work reminds me of being on the farm plowing a field because it all has to be done in a set pattern to guarantee full coverage. Data is collected when reflections of sound beams are fed into an onboard computer. The three computer screens tell the operators if the incoming data is ok and, if not, adjustments are made. When we returned, the data was downloaded into the ship's computer where it goes through the second phase of cleanup. After supper, Nichole and Brent went over today’s data to make sure it was clean. I talked with Marsha Wilson also working on in the ships lab, who does phase three of data analysis. I was really tired so bedtime came early.

Bottom soundings from multibeam sonar are used to develop bathymetric maps of the seafloor bottom as shown on this computer screen.

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