

 A/E Architect/Engineer
 ASHRAE American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineers
 BAS Building Automation System
 BOD Basis of Design
 CAD Computer Aided Design
 CM Construction Manager (in this Guide assumed to be CM Agent)
 Cx Commissioning
 CxA Commissioning Agent
 HVAC Heating Ventilating and Air Conditioning
 FPT Functional Performance Test
 LEED Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design
 IEQ Indoor Environmental Quality
 O&M Operations & Maintenance
 P-100 Facilities Standards for the Public Buildings Service
 PDS Program Development Study
 PM Project Manager (in this Guide the GSA PM)
 RFP Request for Proposal
 RFQ Request for Qualifications
 TAB Testing, Adjusting and Balancing



Basis of Design (BOD): The documentation by the design team of the primary thought processes and assumptions behind design decisions that are made to meet the Owner’s Project Requirements. The BOD describes the assumptions used for sizing and selection of systems (i.e. codes, standards, operating conditions, design conditions, weather data, interior environmental criteria, other pertinent design assumptions, etc.).

Commissioning (Cx): The National Conference on Building Commissioning has established an official definition of ‘Total Building Commissioning’ as follows: “Systematic process of assuring by verification and documentation, from the design stage to a minimum of one year after construction, that all facility systems perform interactively in accordance with the design documentation and intent, and in accordance with the owner’s operational needs, including preparation of operation personnel”

Commissioning Agent (CxA): The qualified person, company or agency that plans, coordinates and oversees the entire commissioning process.

Commissioning Plan: The document prepared for each project that describes all aspects of the commissioning process including schedules, responsibilities, documentation requirements and communication structures.

Commissioning Record: The complete set of commissioning documentation for the project which is turned over to GSA at the end of the construction phase.

Construction Checklist: A checklist to ensure that the specified equipment has been provided, is properly installed and initially started and checked out adequately in preparation for full operation and functional testing.

Functional Tests: Tests that evaluate the dynamic function and operation of equipment and systems using direct observation or other monitoring methods. Functional testing is the assessment of the system’s (rather than just component’s) ability to perform within the parameters set up within the Owner’s Project Requirements and Basis of Design. Functional tests are performed after construction checklists are complete.

Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ): The artificial environment that exists in a building that includes the factors of thermal comfort, illumination, noise, ventilation and level of indoor air pollutants.

Issues Log: A formal and ongoing record of problems or concerns, as well as associated priorities, implications and resolutions.

Owner’s Project Requirements: The documentation that provides the Owner’s vision for the planned facility, functional performance requirements and expectations for how it will be used and operated. It also provides benchmarks and criteria for performance.

Recommissioning: The process of commissioning a facility beyond project development and warranty phases. The purpose of recommissioning is to assure the facility performs as expected over its useful life.

Last Reviewed 2/18/2009