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Business & SD News
Companies lay out wishes for US carbon lawReuters, 15 January 2009 - A group of large U.S. companies, including the troubled Big Three automakers, on Thursday offered Congress a blueprint for greenhouse gas regulation with looser limits than President-elect Barack Obama has called for. China blasts through wind energy targetEnvironmental Finance, 15 January 2009 - China more than doubled its wind power capacity in 2008, installing 4.66GW of additional capacity and passing the government's 10GW target two years ahead of schedule.
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Connecting the Dots - The Nexus Between Business and Ecosystems

Geneva, 16 January 2009 - This PowerPoint presentation builds on past and present work of the WBCSD's Ecosystems Focus Area, as well as on information generated by The Millennium Ecosystem Assessment and the World Resources Institute. It aims to raise awareness around the links and relationships between business and ecosystems.

Environmentally Friendly Management and Sustainability: Asiana Airlines

Geneva, 15 January 2009 - Asiana Airlines recognizes the importance of preventing global warming as a part of its corporate social responsibility and makes companywide efforts to do so by saving energy and reducing aircraft emissions. By combining all of its efforts, Asiana Airlines reduced emissions by 220,000 tons in 2007.

Have You Ever Imagined You'd Buy, Sell, Trade! Ecosystem Services?

Geneva, 12 January 2009 - If you think conversations about ecosystem markets are often quite technical or complex, you're not the only one. The World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) and the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), along with input from key stakeholders (Earthwatch Institute, World Resources Institute, Katoomba Group/Forest Trends, the US Business Council for Sustainable Development and Fundacion Entorno) have developed a free, interactive and fun game about how ecosystem markets work.

The Role of Commercial Forestry in Rural Livelihoods

Geneva, 12 January 2009 - Rural forest livelihoods were the subject of a recent meeting organized by The Forests Dialogue (TFD) in Sykyvkar in the republic of Komi, in the Russian Federation. The meeting was the fourth in a series of “dialogues” and it brought together a broad range of groups and individuals and companies with an interest in sustainable forestry practices and poverty reduction.

Building Sustainable Supply Chains in Brazil

Geneva, 9 January 2009 - ArcelorMittal recognizes that its social and environmental responsibilities extend beyond its own operations. How suppliers behave reflects on the company, and ArcelorMittal can exert a positive influence on their performance. ArcelorMittal's supply chain is large and complex. Enforcing high and consistent standards of corporate responsibility in these circumstances is a tough challenge, but ArcelorMittal has made that commitment, and is working to achieve it.

Tire Industry Project Group Investigates End-of-Life Tire Management

Geneva, 19 December 2008 - Globally, an estimated 1 billion tires reach the end of their useful lives on vehicles each year. Recognizing the varied end-of-life tires (ELTs) management systems in place around the world, and the need for more information on ELTs and their management by the public, other industries and governments, the WBCSD Tire Industry Project Group has put together an issue overview.

"The Business of Inclusion" key theme of the Inter-American Development Bank's Annual Meeting

Geneva, 17 December 2008 - In early December, the WBCSD shared key lessons learned from doing business with the low-income sector at the annual meeting of the Inter-American Development Bank, in Cartagena, Colombia. The event focused on “The Business of Inclusion”, emphasizing the importance of companies engaging in inclusive business as a means of creating economic opportunities for Latin America's low-income segment.

Business Takes a Lead on Sustainable Consumption

Geneva, 17 December 2008 - Business can play a leading role in fostering more sustainable consumption patterns, according to a report released today by the WBCSD. The report, "Sustainable Consumption: Facts and trends from a business perspective", is the result of a year-long study of the relationship between business activities, consumer behavior and environmental and social challenges.

Ecosystems Publications now Available in Multiple Languages

Geneva, 16 December 2008 - With the generous support from a number of WBCSD members, The Corporate Ecosystem Services Review (ESR) is now also available in Japanese, Portuguese and Spanish. The Japanese version was supported by Hitachi Chemical, the Portuguese version by Brisa and the Spanish version by Holcim and Telefonica.

Business Ministerial Breakfast: Key Messages from the Poznan Global Business Day

Poznań, 12 December 2008 - On the second day of the High-Level Segment of Poznań climate conference, the WBCSD and the UNFCCC jointly hosted an important Business Ministerial breakfast. During this event, Björn Stigson presented the Ten Point Summary of the Poznań Global Business Day that was held earlier in the week.

Valuing the Priceless

Geneva, 12 December 2008 - Is it true that the service of pollination, provided mainly by bees for free, is estimated to be at least worth US$ 4 billion a year to the agricultural sector in the US alone? Or that coral reefs provide ecosystem services vital to off-shore fisheries and shoreline protection worth as much as US$ 600,000 per square kilometer?

Adapting to Climate Change with Information and Communications Technologies

Poznań, 10 December 2008 - WBCSD President Björn Stigson spoke today in a side event at the Poznań climate change meetings on finding solutions to climate change through information and communication technolgies (ICTs).

Business Pushes for Global Climate Deal

Poznań, 9 December 2008 - Close to 200 senior leaders from business, government, civil society and policy-making met here today at a day-long event to discuss how to formulate the post-2012 climate regime.

Power Sector Speaks up on Climate Technology

Poznań, 8 December 2008 - A group of CEOs from some of the world's best-known electricity companies has released a detailed report showing that enough low-carbon technologies exist to help the world avert damaging climate change, but that strong policy is needed to support their rapid deployment.

Uniting Business and Environment: Repsol

Geneva, 5 December 2008 - Repsol's environmental projects worldwide are run in keeping with its vision to create value, as much for shareholders and employees as for the stakeholders in the communities where they operate. Repsol “understands that its main function in society is to satisfy energy needs in those countries where it operates and to do so in an efficient, sustainable and safe manner.” The energy market is highly competitive and Repsol's initiatives and programs enable it to keep its license to operate, innovate and grow.

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