Selection of Winners/Judges' Criteria

The judges will be comprised of government and industry travel and relocation experts to evaluate all applications and select the winners.  Agencies will be notified by GSA.  Visit the National Travel Forum Website for more information.

GSA may present awards in travel, relocation, and/or honorable mention.  Cash award(s) will be presented to the innovation winner(s)--either an individual or team limited to six.  A plaque (or similar award) will be presented to the agency for the top selections; the individual(s) who participated in the project(s) will receive certificate(s) of recognition. 

The judges will be looking for certain criteria.  Every entry should address as many of the following as possible:

  • Reengineering principles, savings, customer satisfaction, partnership w/industry, agency-wide application, E-Gov driven, excellence in buying, and replicability.
  • Identify a travel management practice that has been improved through the deployment and utilization of E-Gov travel or relocation management practice that has been improved.  Improvements resulted in savings of time/money/manpower.
  • Describe a travel and/or relocation management business process that has been reengineered to be more efficient and the benefits that resulted.
  • How excellent travel and/or relocation management customer service was maintained or what was done to bring customer service to a higher level.
  • Implementation of a measurement tool that validates improved performance in travel and/or relocation management against policy compliance and program utilization.
  • Reduced overall cost for travel and/or relocation management and related programs.
  • How travel and/or relocation management has been aligned to the goals of the President's Management Agenda.
Last Reviewed 4/20/2009