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Indicators of School Crime and Safety: 2004

The authors would like to dedicate Indicators of School Crime and Safety: 2004 to Phillip Kaufman (1950-2004) of MPR Associates. Dr. Kaufman was one of the original authors of Indicators and conducted much of the analysis over its seven iterations that shaped the report into its current form and content.

The authors wish to thank the heads of the sponsoring agencies, Robert Lerner of the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) and Lawrence Greenfeld of the Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS), for supporting this report. From BJS, we wish to thank Patsy Klaus of the Victimization Statistics Branch for her work in verifying data from the National Crime Victimization Survey and Tom Hester for his continued contribution to the report. From NCES, we wish to thank Shelley Burns, Kathryn Chandler, Val Plisko, Marilyn Seastrom, and Bruce Taylor, who served as reviewers. They all provided input that substantially improved the publication. We particularly appreciated their willingness to review the report under very strict time constraints. Outside of NCES and BJS, Nancy Brener of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention generously verified data and performed a review of data documentation. We also value the review of this report and the continued support provided by Bill Modzeleski of the Office of Safe and Drug-Free Schools (OSDFS). Tara Hill and Maria Worthen of the OSDFS provided valuable comments. Duc-Le To of the Institute of Education Sciences provided helpful input on the final draft.

Without the assistance of the following staff at MPR Associates and the Education Statistics Services Institute, this report could not have been produced: Francesca Tussing, Barbara Kridl, Wes Nations, Andrea Livingston, Sarah Kaffenberger, Martin Hahn, Mike Planty, and Fraser Ireland. They provided invaluable technical, editorial, graphic, and production assistance.

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