Work Place Strategies Forum: Crisis or Opportunity? Tools for Change Management (HHS Only)


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Air date: Thursday, April 27, 2006, 1:50:00 PM
Category: HHS Only
Description: The NIH budget goes from fat to flat. CSR reorganizes the study sections in your field. And your new boss arrives next Monday...

Change happens, and NIH is always in the middle of a lot of it. Change can be chaotic and painful, or constructive and positive; it's usually all of these. But we can anticipate change in our workplace and seize the opportunities it presents. There are practical strategies to reduce the pain and increase the gain. Come learn from experts how to lead from the middle, and make the most of changes happening in your worklife.

For more information, visit
Author: Staff Training in Extramural Programs
Runtime: 255 minutes
CIT File ID: 13200
CIT Live ID: 4995
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