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To help survivors of natural disasters,
call the Red Cross at 1-800-435-7669 or donate on line.
Find additional opportunities to make donations or to volunteer
through the USA Freedom Corps website.


For information on how the United States is helping with the recovery from natural disasters worldwide, go to USAID.


News Releases


Influenza A(H1N1) - Update 9 (5/2/09, World Health Organization); see WHO's full coverage of influenza A(H1N1), including links to situation updates and technical guidance for professionals


Cyclone Nargis in Myanmar: One Year Anniversary (5/2/09, United Nations Development Programme)


No Rationale for Travel Restrictions (5/1/09, World Health Organization); see WHO's full coverage of influenza A(H1N1), including links to situation updates and technical guidance for professionals


List of Disinfectants Registered for Use Against Influenza A Viruses (5/1/09, U.S. EPA Pesticides Program)


U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Announces Opportunity to Request a Hearing on Operation License Application for Watts Bar 2 Nuclear Reactor (5/1/09, NRC)


Geneva to Host Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants from 4 to 8 May - Talks to Spotlight Nine New Chemicals, Alternatives to DDT and the challenges of a POPs-Free Future (4/30/09, United Nations Environment Programme)


Potential Cure for Collapse of Bee Colonies (4/30/09, National Academies)


Joint FAO/WHO/OIE Statement on Influenza A(H1N1) and the Safety of Pork (4/30/09, World Health Organization); see WHO's full coverage of influenza A(H1N1), including links to situation updates


FAO Monitors A/H1N1 Situation Around the Clock - FAO States That the New A/H1N1 Virus Has Not Been Detected in Pigs (4/30/09, United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization)


Searching for Pollution in the Caribbean - International Atomic Energy Agency-Supported Project Delivers Know-How and Insight into an Environmental Problem (4/30/09, IAEA)


International Atomic Energy Agency Calls for Enhanced Radiation Protection of Patients - Safety Specialists Warn Against Overuse of New Imaging Devices (4/29/09, IAEA)


Landmark Deal to Provide U.S. Companies with Unprecedented Access to Information on Millions of Chinese Manufacturers - Panjiva and Sinosure Create "Panjiva SinoScreen" - New Tool Will Help Anxious Companies Quickly Assess Chinese Supply Chain Partners (4/29/09, Panjiva, Inc.); see link to sample Panjiva SinoScreen report


New in RiskWorld


Swine Flu Information. The (U.S.) National Library of Medicine has several new web pages on swine flu in English and in Spanish:


Swine Flu -
Comprehensive resource for health professionals on Federal Response, International Resources, Genetic Sequence Information, PubMed Searches, Veterinary Resources, and Información en Español.

Swine Flu -
Information for the general public, patients, family members, and caregivers.

Gripe porcina -
Spanish-language version for the general public.
(posted 4/28/09), a leading mesothelioma cancer resource for up-to-date information on asbestos exposure and resulting illnesses, educates the public about how to avoid the dangers of asbestos and assists people who have already been diagnosed with asbestos-related diseases. Read more. (posted 4/16/09)


Peer Workshop on Toxicological Assessment and Development of RfDs for Acetanilide Degradates. Under the auspices of the Alliance for Risk Assessment (ARA), Toxicology Excellence for Risk Assessment (TERA) will convene a 2-day independent expert peer workshop to develop reference doses (RfDs) for the degradates alachlor t-ESA, alachlor t-OXA, acetochlor t-ESA, and acetochlor t-OXA. The meeting, supported by Monsanto and Dow AgroSciences, will be held on Monday and Tuesday, May 11 and 12, 2009, at the Northern Kentucky University METS Center, which is located near the Greater Cincinnati International Airport. The public is invited to attend and to provide written and/or oral comments. The meeting also will be available in real time to registered off-site observers via a web cast. More information regarding meeting logistics, registration, web cast participation, and procedures for observer comments is available at (posted 4/8/09)


Alliance for Risk Assessment (ARA) is a collaboration of organizations that fosters the development of technical chemical risk assessment products and services through a collaborative effort of specialists and organizations. ARA is dedicated to protecting public health by improving the process and efficiency of risk assessment and to increasing the capacity for developing risk values to meet growing demand. ARA provides a unique venue for governmental, industrial, environmental, and non-profit organizations to collaborate to produce high quality risk assessment science. Visit ARA on line at (posted 4/8/09)


Panjiva, Inc., is an online resource for sourcing executives to gain credible and valuable knowledge about suppliers and manufacturers around the world. The company assesses aggregate risk in the global supply chain by analyzing waterborne shipments to U.S. customers, tracking changes in volume over time for manufacturers that are serving the American market. Read more. (posted 4/2/09)


16th World Congress on Disaster and Emergency Medicine (WCDEM 2009), to be convened May 12-15, 2009, in Victoria, Canada, will be devoted to equipping health professionals to prepare for and respond to disasters and health emergencies around the world. It is the premier event for the discussion of disaster and emergency health and a great opportunity for professionals from around the world--doctors, nurses, paramedics, health researchers, emergency planners, and any medical professionals involved with disaster and emergency health--to share the most up-to-date information regarding the science and advances in health care during everyday emergencies and disasters. For more information, see (posted 12/19/08, updated 3/2309)


Job Openings


Syracuse Research Corporation has openings for a Postdoctoral Toxicologist in Syracuse, New York, and for a Principal Scientist and a Senior Program Manager in Denver, Colorado. Click here for links to more information. Click here for details on posting job openings in RiskWorld.




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