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DDE & PCBs in the Collaborative Perinatal Project

Publications 1959-1969

DDE & PCBs in the Collaborative Perinatal Project


  • Hardy JB, Dougherty A, Hardy W. Hearing responses and audiologic screening in infants. J Pediatr 1959;55:302.


  • Hardy JB, et al. The effect of Asian influenza on the outcome of pregnancy, Baltimore, 1957-1958. Am J Public Health 1961;51:8.


  • Berendes HW. Prematurity. Trans N Engl Obstet Gynecol Soc 1963;17:205-206.
  • Lilien AA. Progress report on the NINDB collaborative project. In: Proceedings of the AMA Conference on Maternal and Perinatal Mortality and Morbidity. The Greenbrier, White Sulphur Springs, West Virginia. October 1963:84-94.
  • Sever JL, Huebner RJ, Castellano GA, Bell JA. Serologic diagnosis "en masse" with multiple antigens. Am Rev Respir Dis 1963;88:342-359.
  • Solomons G, Holden RH, Denhoff E. The changing picture of cerebral dysfunction in early childhood. J Pediatr 1963;63:113-120.


  • Berendes HW. Obstetrical complications and mental deficiency. In: Proceedings of the International Copenhagen Congress on the Scientific Study of Mental Retardation. Denmark, Aug 7-14, 1964:308-316.
  • Berendes HW. The evaluation of therapeutic procedures in the practice of obstetrics. In: IV World Congress of Gynecology and Obstetrics, Official Lectures. Buenos Aires, September 26, 1964:281-301.
  • Drage JS, Kennedy C, Schwarz BK. The apgar score as an index of neonatal mortality. A report from the collaborative study of cerebral palsy. Obstet Gynecol 1964;24:222-230.
  • Little WA, Friedman EA. Significance of the placental position. A report from the collaborative study of cerebral palsy. Obstet Gynecol 1964;23:804-9.
  • Sever JL, Nelson KB, Gilkeson MR. Rubella epidemic, 1964: effect on 6,000 pregnancies. Am J Dis Child. 1965 Oct;110(4):395-407. [PubMed] Exit NIEHS Website
  • Sever JL, Schiff GM, Huebner RJ. Frequency of rubella antibody among pregnant women and other human and animal populations. Obstet Gynecol 1964;23:153-159.
  • Towbin A. Spinal cord and brain stem injury at birth. Arch Pathol 1964;77:620-632.
  • Westphal MC, Joshi GB. The interrelationship of birth weight, length of gestation, and neonatal mortality. Clin Obstet Gynecol 1964;7:670-686.


  • Benson RC, Shubeck F, Clark WM Jr, Berendes HW, Weiss W, Deutschberger J. Fetal compromise during elective cesarean section. A report from the collaborative project. Am J Obstet Gynecol 1965;91:645-656.
  • Berendes HW, Weiss W, Deutschberger J, Jackson EC. Factors associated with breech delivery. Am J Public Health 1965;55:708-719.
  • Bishop EH, Israel SL, Briscoe CC. Obstetric influences on the premature infant's first year of development. A report from the collaborative study of cerebral palsy. Obstet Gynecol. 1965 Nov;26(5):628-35. [PubMed] Exit NIEHS Website
  • Hary JB. The young deaf child: identification and management. In: Proceedings of a conference held in Toronto, Canada, October 8-9, 1964. Acta Oto-Laryngologica (Suppl 205), Stockholm. 1965.
  • Hardy JB, Monif GRG, Medearis DN, Sever JL. Postnatal transmission of rubella virus to nurses. (Letter.) JAMA 1965;191:1034.
  • Hubbell JP, Muirhead DM Jr, Drorbaugh JE. The newborn infant of the diabetic mother. Med Clin North Am 1965;49:1035-1052.
  • Israel SL, Deutschberger J. Relation of the mother's age to obstetric performance. Obstet Gynecol 1965;20:67-69.
  • Monif GRG, Sever JL, Cochran WD. The H-1 and the RV viruses and pregnancy: serological study of certain groups of pregnant women. A report from the collaborative study of cerebral palsy. J Pediatr 1965;67:253-256.

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  • Berendes HW. Structure and scope of the collaborative project on cerebral palsy, mental retardation, and other neurological and sensory disorders of infancy and childhood. In: Research Methodology and Needs in Perinatal Studies. Chipman SS, Lilienfeld AM, Greenberg BG, and Donnelly, Eds. Springfield, IL, Charles C. Thomas, 1966:118-138.
  • Berendes HW. Structure and scope of the collaborative study--present status. In: Proceedings AMA National Conference on Infant Mortality, Fairmont Hotel, San Francisco, California, August 12-13, 1966:95-99.
  • Clifford SH. An experimental program. In: Proceedings AMA National Conference on Infant Mortality. Fairmont Hotel, San Francisco, California, August 12-13, 1966:39.
  • Drage JS, Berendes HW. Apgar scores and outcome of the newborn. Pediatr Clin North Am 1966;13:635-643.
  • Drage JS, Kennedy C, Berendes HW, Schwarz BK, Weiss W. The apgar score as an index of infant morbidity. A report from the collaborative study of cerebral palsy. Dev Med Child Neurol 1966;8:141-148.
  • Flick GL. Sinistrality revisited: a perceptual-motor approach. Child Dev. 1966 Sep;37(3):613-22. [PubMed] Exit NIEHS Website
  • Froehlich LA, Fujikura T. Significance of a single umbilical artery. Report from the collaborative study of cerebral palsy.Am J Obstet Gynecol. 1966 Jan 15;94(2):274-9. [PubMed] Exit NIEHS Website
  • Fujikura T, Froehlich LA. The influence of race and other factors on pulmonary hyaline membranes. A report from the Collaborative Study of Cerebral Palsy. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 1966 Jun 15;95(4):572-8. [PubMed] Exit NIEHS Website
  • Fujikura T, Froehlich LA, Driscoll SG. A simplified anatomic classification of abortions. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 1966 Aug 1;95(7):902-5. [PubMed] Exit NIEHS Website
  • Hardy JB, Monif GRG, Sever JL. Studies in congential rubella, Baltimore, 1964-65, Part II: Clinical and virologic. Bull Johns Hopkins Hospital 1966;118:97.
  • Holden RH, Mendelson MA, De Vault S. Relationship of the WAIS to the SRA non-verbal test scores. Psychol Rep. 1966 Dec;19(3):987-90. [PubMed] Exit NIEHS Website
  • Klatskin EH, McGarry ME, Steward MS. Variability in developmental test patterns as a sequel of neonatal stress. Child Dev 1966;37:819-26.
  • Mitchell SC, Froehlich LA, Banas JS, Gilkeson MR. An epidemiologic assessment of primary endocardial fibroelastosis. Am J Cardiol. 1966 Dec;18(6):859-66. Review. [PubMed] Exit NIEHS Website
  • Monif GRG, Hardy JB, Sever JL. Studies in congenital rubella, Baltimore 1964-65. I. Epidemiologic and virologic. Bull Johns Hopkins Hospital 1966;118:85-96.
  • Niswander KR, Friedman EA, Hoover DB, Pietrowski H, Westphal MC. Fetal morbidity following potentially anoxigenic obstetric conditions. I. Abruptio placentae. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 1966 Jul 15;95(6):838-45. [PubMed] Exit NIEHS Website
  • Niswander KR, Friedman EA, Hoover DB, Pietrowski H, Westphal M. Fetal morbidity following potentially anoxigenic obstetric conditions. II. Placenta previa. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 1966 Jul 15;95(6):846-52. [PubMed] Exit NIEHS Website
  • Niswander KR, Friedman EA, Hoover DB, Pietrowski H, Westphal M. Fetal morbidity following potentially anoxigenic obstetric conditions. 3. Prolapse of the umbilical cord. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 1966 Jul 15;95(6):853-9. [PubMed] Exit NIEHS Website
  • Niswander KR, Friedman EA, Hoover DB, Pietrowski H, Westphal M. Fetal morbidity following potentially anoxigenic obstetric conditions. IV. Occult prolapse of the umbilical cord. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 1966 Aug 15;95(8):1099-103. [PubMed] Exit NIEHS Website
  • Secrest HP.Nurses and the collaborative perinatal research project. Nurs Res. 1966 Spring;15(2):159-67. [PubMed] Exit NIEHS Website
  • Shubeck F, Benson RC, Clark WW, Berendes H, Weiss W, Deutschberger J. Fetal hazard after rupture of the membranes. A report from the collaborative project. Obstet Gynecol. 1966 Jul;28(1):22-31. [PubMed] Exit NIEHS Website
  • Spellacy WN, Gravem H, Fisch RO. The umbilical cord complications of true knots, nuchal coils, and cords around the body. Report from the collaborative study of cerebral palsy. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 1966 Apr 15;94(8):1136-42. [PubMed] Exit NIEHS Website
  • Vosburgh GJ, Gates MJ, MacKenzie J, Deutschberger J, Berendes HW, Weiss W. The effects of uterine dysfunction and mechanical dystocia on pediatric outcome. Bull Sloane Hosp Women 1966;12:72-76.
  • Weiss W. The analysis of data in the collaborative project of the National Institute of Neurological Diseases and Blindness. In: Research Methodology and Needs in Perinatal Studies. Chipman SS, Lilienfeld AM, Greenberg BG, Donnelly JF, Eds. Springfield, Ill, Charles C. Thomas, 1966:139-175.
  • Yazbak FE, Holden RH. Birth order of twins, Apgar score, and perinatal mortality. Second twin has higher mortality and lower Apgar score (numerical rating of condition) than first twin. R I Med J. 1966 Oct;49(10):595-7. [PubMed] Exit NIEHS Website

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  • Berendes HW. Birth asphyxia and neurologic deficit: report from the NINDB collaborative perinatal study. Report of the Fifty-seventh Ross Conference on Pediatric Research. In: Brain Damage in the Fetus and Newborn from Hypoxia or Asphyxia. James LS, Myers RE, and Gaull GE, Eds. Columbus, Ross Laboratories, 1967:8-11.
  • Boggs TR Jr, Hardy JB, Frazier TM. Correlation of neonatal serum total bilirubin concentrations and developmental status at age eight months. A preliminary report from the collaborative project. J Pediatr. 1967 Oct;71(4):553-60. [PubMed] Exit NIEHS Website
  • Clifford SH, Drorbaugh JE. Obstetric history of grossly retarded children in the Boston sample of the collaborative study. In: Physical Trauma as an Etiological Agent in Mental Retardation. Angle CR, Bering EA, Eds. Proceedings of a Conference on the Etiology of Mental Retardation. Omaha, Nebraska, October 13-16, 1968:93-99.
  • Drage JS. Collaborative perinatal research project of the National Institute of Neurological Diseases and Blindness. Conference on Drugs and Poisons as Etiologic Agents in Mental Retardation. Supported by National Institute of Neurological Diseases and Blindness. US Dept. of Health, Education, and Welfare, Public Health Service Publ. 1791, Wash., DC, Govt. Printing Off., 1967:139-143.
  • Fay WH. Marathon monologues of a three-year-old. J Commun Disord 1969;2:38-47.
  • Ferriss GS, Davis GD, Dorsen MM, Hackett ER. Changes in latency and form of the photically induced average evoked response in human infants. Electroencephalogr Clin Neurophysiol. 1967 Apr;22(4):305-12. [PubMed] Exit NIEHS Website
  • Fujikura T, Froehlich LA. Intrauterine pneumonia in relation to birth weight and race. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 1967 Jan 1;97(1):81-4. [PubMed] Exit NIEHS Website
  • Marmol JG, Vollman RF, Gordon M, Patterson SP, Reid WA. Maternal death and high-risk pregnancy: an analysis of 40 maternal deaths in the collaborative project. Obstet Gynecol. 1967 Dec;30(6):816-20. [PubMed] Exit NIEHS Website
  • Mitchell SC, Berendes HW, Clark WM. The normal closure of the ventricular septum. Am Heart J. 1967 Mar;73(3):334-8. [PubMed] Exit NIEHS Website
  • Naylor AF. Ethnoracial comparisons of intraclass correlations and mean gestation times in spontaneous abortion and perinatal death. A report of the Collaborative Study of Cerebral Palsy.Am J Obstet Gynecol. 1967 Apr 1;97(7):931-5. [PubMed] Exit NIEHS Website
  • Niswander KR, Berendes H, Deutschberger J, Lipko N, Westphal MC. Fetal morbidity following potentially anoxigenic obstetric conditions. V. Organic heart disease. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 1967 Jul 15;98(6):871-6. [PubMed] Exit NIEHS Website
  • Robbins PG, Gorbach AG, Reid DE. Neurologic abnormalities at one year in infants delivered after late-pregnancy hemorrhage. Obstet Gynecol. 1967 Mar;29(3):358-61. [PubMed] Exit NIEHS Website
  • Sedlis A, Berendes H, Kim HS, Stone DF, Weiss W, Deutschberger J, Jackson E. The placental weight-birthweight relationship. Dev Med Child Neurol. 1967 Apr;9(2):160-71. [PubMed] Exit NIEHS Website
  • Vollman RF, Marmol JG, Ross IB, Scriggins AL, Tarver JH. Epidemiologic evaluation of clinical data on the teratogenic potential of drugs. (Abstract.) Anat Rec 1967;157:337.

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  • Benson RC, Shubeck F, Deutschberger J, Weiss W, Berendes H. Fetal heart rate as a predictor of fetal distress. A report from the collaborative project. Obstet Gynecol. 1968 Aug;32(2):259-66. [PubMed] Exit NIEHS Website
  • Berendes HW. Cerebrale spatschaden nach perinataler asphyxie. (Late cerebral damage after perinatal asphyxia.) Gynakologe Band 1968;1:94-98. (German.)
  • Berendes HW. Fetal distress, its significance in neurological and mental impairment of childhood. A preliminary analysis of the data from the perinatal collaborative project in the National Institute of Neurologic Diseases and Blindness, U.S.A. (English Abstract). Cong Anom 1968;8:39-45. (Japanese.)
  • Bordley EJ, Brookhauser PE, Hardy JB, Hardy WG. Prenatal rubella. Acta Oto-Laryngologica 1968;66:1.
  • Chung CS, Myrianthopoulos NC. Racial and prenatal factors in major congenital malformations. Am J Hum Genet. 1968 Jan;20(1):44-60. [PubMed] Exit NIEHS Website
  • Engel R. EEG in premature and subsequent development. In: Physical Trauma as an Etiological Agent in Mental Retardation. Angle CR, Bering EA, Eds. Proceedings of a conference on the Etiology of Mental Retardation. Omaha, Nebraska, October 13-16, 1968:251-260.
  • Fay WH, Butler BV. Echolalia, IQ, and the developmental dichotomy of speech and language systems. J Speech Hear Res. 1968 Jun;11(2):365-71. [PubMed] Exit NIEHS Website
  • Fisch RO, Gravem HJ, Engel RR. Neurological status of survivors of neonatal respiratory distress syndrome. A preliminary report from the collaborative study. J Pediatr. 1968 Sep;73(3):395-403. [PubMed] Exit NIEHS Website
  • Fujikura T, Carleton JH. Unilateral thickening of fetal arteries on the placenta resembling arteriosclerosis. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 1968 Mar 15;100(6):843-5. [PubMed] Exit NIEHS Website
  • Fujikura T, Froehlich L. Diagnosis of sickling by placental examination. Geographic differences in incidence. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 1968 Apr 15;100(8):1122-4. [PubMed] Exit NIEHS Website
  • Hardy JB, Sever JL. Indirect inguinal hernia in congenital rubella. J Pediatr. 1968 Sep;73(3):416-8. [PubMed] Exit NIEHS Website
  • Henderson NB, Butler BV, Goffeney B. Is the Bender-Gesalt test effective in predicting arithmetic and reading achievment of seven year old white and nonwhite children. In: Proceedings, 76th Annual Convention, American Psychological Association, San Francisco, California, Aug 30-Sept 3, 1968. 1968;3:589-590.
  • Myrianthopoulos NC, French KS. An application of the U.S. Bureau of the Census socioeconomic index to a large, diversified patient population. Soc Sci Med. 1968 Sep;2(3):283-99. [PubMed] Exit NIEHS Website
  • Niswander KR, Berendes H. Effect of maternal cardiac disease on the infant. Clin Obstet Gynecol. 1968 Dec;11(4):1026-40. [PubMed] Exit NIEHS Website
  • Niswander KR, Berendes HW, Deutschberger J, Weiss W, Lipko N, Kantor AG. Fetal morbidity following potentially anoxigenic obstetric conditions. VI. Rupture of the marginal sinus. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 1968 Mar 15;100(6):862-6. [PubMed] Exit NIEHS Website
  • Rosenbaum AL. Neuropsychological outcome of children born via the occiput posterior position. In: Physical Trauma as an Etiologic Agent in Mental Retardation. Angle CR, Bering EA, Eds. Proceedings of a conference on the Etiology of Mental Retardation. October 13-16, 1968, Omaha, Nebraska: 113-116.
  • Sever JL. Perinatal infections affecting the developing fetus and newborn. Conference on the Prevention of Mental Retardation Through Control of Infectious Diseases. Supported by the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development. US Dept. of Health, Education, and Welfare, Public Health Service Publ. No. 1692. Washington, DC, U.S. Gov't Print. Off., 1968:37-68.
  • Sever JL, Fuccillo DA, Gilkeson MR, Ley A, Traub R. Changing susceptibility to rubella. Obstet Gynecol. 1968 Sep;32(3):365-9. [PubMed] Exit NIEHS Website
  • Sever J, White LR. Intrauterine viral infections. Annu Rev Med. 1968;19:471-86. Review. [PubMed] Exit NIEHS Website
  • Singer JE, Westphal M, Niswander K. Relationship of weight gain during pregnancy to birth weight and infant growth and development in the first year of life. Obstet Gynecol. 1968 Mar;31(3):417-23. [PubMed] Exit NIEHS Website
  • Singer JE, Westphal M, Niswander KR. Sex differences in the incidence of neonatal abnormalities and abnormal performance in early childhood. Child Dev. 1968 Mar;39(1):103-12. [PubMed] Exit NIEHS Website
  • Torres F, Blaw ME. Longitudinal EEG-clinical correlations in children from birth to 4 years of age. Pediatrics. 1968 May;41(5):945-54. [PubMed] Exit NIEHS Website
  • Towbin A. Central nervous system damage in the premature related to the occurrence of mental retardation. In: Physical Trauma as an Etiologic Agent in Mental Retardation. Angle CR, Bering EA, Eds. Proceedings of a conference on the Etiology of Mental Retardation. October 13-16, 1968, Omaha, Nebraska:213-239.
  • Towbin A. Cerebral intraventricular hemorrhage and subependymal matrix infarction in the fetus and premature newborn. Am J Pathol. 1968 Jan;52(1):121-40. [PubMed] Exit NIEHS Website
  • Willerman L. Fetal head position during delivery, and intelligence. In: Physical Trauma as an Etiologic Agent in Mental Retardation. Angle CR, Bering EA, Eds. Proceedings of a conference on the Etiology of Mental Retardation. October 13-16, 1968, Omaha, Nebraska:105-108.
  • Willerman L. Maternal pelvic size and neuropsychological outcome. In: Physical Trauma as an Etiologic Agent in Mental Retardation. Angle CR, Bering EA, Eds. Proceedings of a conference on the Etiology of Mental Retardation. October 13-16, 1968, Omaha, Nebraska:109-112.
  • Yang DC, Ting RY, Kennedy C. The predictive value of the neurologic examination in infancy for mental status at four years of age. In: Clinics in Developmental Medicine No. 27, Studies in Infancy. MacKeith R, Bax M, Eds. Suffolk, England. Spastics International Medical Publications in Association with William Heinmann Medical Books, Ltd., 1968:94-99.

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  • Babson SG, Henderson N, Clark WM Jr. The preschool intelligence of oversized newborns. Pediatrics. 1969 Oct;44(4):536-8. [PubMed] Exit NIEHS Website
  • Babson SG, Kangas J. Preschool intelligence of undersized term infants. Am J Dis Child. 1969 May;117(5):553-7. [PubMed] Exit NIEHS Website
  • Benson RC, Berendes H, Weiss W. Fetal compromise during elective cesarean section. II. A report from the Colloborative Project. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 1969 Oct 15;105(4):579-88. [PubMed] Exit NIEHS Website
  • Benson RC, Fujikura T. Circumvallate and circummarginate placenta. Unimportant clinical entities. Obstet Gynecol. 1969 Dec;34(6):799-804. [PubMed] Exit NIEHS Website
  • Berendes HW. Fetal distress: its significance in neurological and mental impairment of childhood. In: Perinatal Factors Affecting Human Development. Proceedings of the Special Session of the Eighth Meeting of the Pan American Health Organization Advisory Committee on Medical Research, June 10, 1969. Washington, DC: Sci Publ No. 185, 1969:228-238.
  • Berendes HW, Weiss W. The NIH collaborative study. A progress report. In: Congenital Malformations. Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Congenital Malformations. The Hague, Netherlands, September 7-13, 1969. Fraser FC, McKusick VA, Eds. Exerpta Medica International Congress Series No. 204, 1969:293-298.
  • Bordley JE, Hardy JB. Laboratory and clinical observations on prenatal rubella. Transactions of the American Otological Society, March 28-29. Ann Otol, Rhinol And Laryngol 1969;78:917.
  • Butler BV, Engel R. Mental and motor scores at 8 months in relation to neonatal photic responses. Dev Med Child Neurol. 1969 Feb;11(1):77-82. [PubMed] Exit NIEHS Website
  • Churchill JA, Berendes HW. Intelligence of children whose mothers had acetonuria during pregnancy. In: Perinatal Factors Affecting Human Development. Proceedings of the Special Session of the Eighth Meeting of the Pan American Health Organization Advisory Committee on Medical Research, June 10, 1969. Washington, DC: Sci Publ No. 185, 1969:30-35.
  • Churchill JA, Berendes HW, Nemore J. Neuropsychological deficits in children of diabetic mothers. A report from the Collaborative Sdy of Cerebral Palsy. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 1969 Sep 15;105(2):257-68. [PubMed] Exit NIEHS Website
  • Drage JS, Berendes HW, Fisher PD. The apgar scores and four-year psychological examination performance. In: Perinatal Factors Affecting Human Development. Proceedings of the Special Session of the Eighth Meeting of the Pan American Health Organization Advisory Committee on Medical Research, June 10, 1969. Washington DC, Sci Publ No 185, 1969:222-227.
  • Elizan TS, Ajero-Froehlich L, Fabiyi A, Ley A, Sever JL. Viral infection in pregnancy and congenital CNS malformations in man. Arch Neurol. 1969 Feb;20(2):115-9. [PubMed] Exit NIEHS Website
  • Fay WH. On the basis of autistic echolalia. J Commun Disord 1969;2:38-47.
  • Fiedler MF, Schmidt EP. Sex differences in Bender-Gestalt drawings of seven-year-old children. Percept Mot Skills 1969;29:753-754.
  • Friedman EA, Kroll BH. Computer analysis of labour progression. J Obstet Gynaecol Br Commonw. 1969 Dec;76(12):1075-9. [PubMed] Exit NIEHS Website
  • Friedman EA, Niswander KR, Sachtleben MR. Dysfunctional labor. XI. Neurologic and developmental effects on surviving infants. Obstet Gynecol. 1969 Jun;33(6):785-91. [PubMed] Exit NIEHS Website
  • Friedman EA, Niswander KR, Sachtleben MR, Naftaly N. Dysfunctional labor. X. Immediate results of infant. Obstet Gynecol. 1969 Jun;33(6):776-84. [PubMed] Exit NIEHS Website
  • Friedman EA, Niswander KR, Sachtleben MR, Nemore J. Dysfunctional labor. 8. Relative accuracy of clinical and graphic diagnostic methods. Obstet Gynecol. 1969 Feb;33(2):145-52. [PubMed] Exit NIEHS Website
  • Froehlich LA, Fujikura T. Congenital malformations in perinatal, infant, and child deaths. In: Methods for Teratological Studies in Experimental Animals and Man. Nishimura H, Miller JR, Eds. The Second International Workshop in Teratology, Kyoto, 1968. Tokyo, Japan, Igaku Shoin Ltd, 1969:167-194.
  • Hardy JB. Rubella as a teratogen. Presented at the Second Conference on the Clinical Delineatin of Birth Defects, May 26-31, The Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions, Baltimore, Maryland. The Clinical Delineation of Birth Defects, Part IV: Nervous System. Bergsma, D, Ed. Baltimore, MD, Williams and Wilkins Co., 1971:64.
  • Hardy JB, McCracken GH, Gilkeson MR, Sever JL. Adverse fetal outcome following maternal rubella after the first trimester of pregnancy. JAMA. 1969 Mar 31;207(13):2414-20. [PubMed] Exit NIEHS Website
  • Hardy JB, McCracken GH, Mellits ED, Gilkeson MR, Sever JL. Serum immunoglobulin levels in newborn infants. 3. Some preliminary observations from a survey of cord blood levels in 2,600 infants. J Pediatr. 1969 Dec;75(6):1211-23. [PubMed] Exit NIEHS Website
  • Hardy JB, Sever JL, Gilkeson MR. Declining antibody titers in children with congenital rubella. J Pediatr. 1969 Aug;75(2):213-20. [PubMed] Exit NIEHS Website
  • Henderson NB, Goffeney B, Butler BV. Do negro children project a self-image of helplessness and inadequacy in drawing a person? In: Proceedings of the 77th Annual Convention, American Psychological Association, Washington, DC, Aug 31-Sept 4, 1969. 1969;4:437-438.
  • Henderson NB, Butler BV, Goffeney B. Effectiveness of the WISC and Bender-Gestalt test in predicting arithmetic and reading achievement for white and nonwhite children. J Clin Psychol. 1969 Jul;25(3):268-71. [PubMed] Exit NIEHS Website
  • Holley WL, Churchill JA. Physical and mental deficits of twinning. In: Perinatal factors affecting human development. In: Proceedings of the Special Session of the Eighth Meeting of the Pan American Health Organization Advisory Committee on Medical Research, June 10, 1969. Washington, DC, Sci Publ No 185, 1969:24-29.
  • Holley WL, Rosenbaum AL, Churchill JA. Effect of rapid succession of pregnancy. In: Proceedings of the Special Session of the Eighth Meeting of the Pan American Health Organization Advisory Committee on Medical Research, June 10, 1969. Washington, DC, Sci Publ No 185, 1969:41-44.
  • Horta-Barbosa L, Fuccillo DA, Sever JL. Rubella virus. In: Current Topics in Microbiology & Immunology. Arber W, Ed. Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 1969, Vol 47:69-81.
  • Korones SB, Todaro J, Roane JA, Sever JL. Pediatric outcome to four years of age after gestational virus infection. (Abstract.) In: Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Congenital Malformations, The Hague, September 7-13, 1969. Excerpta Medica International Congress Series No. 191, 1969:55.
  • Marmol JG, Scriggins AL, Vollman RF. Mothers of mongoloid infants in the collaborative project. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 1969 Jun 15;104(4):533-43. [PubMed] Exit NIEHS Website
  • McCracken GH, Chen TC, Hardy JB, Tzan N. Serum immunoglobulin levels in newborn infants. I. Evaluation of a radial diffusion plate methods. J Pediatr. 1969 Mar;74(3):378-82. [PubMed] Exit NIEHS Website
  • McCracken GH, Hardy JB, Chen TC, Hoffman LS, Gilkeson MR, Sever JL. Serum immunoglobulin levels in newborn infants. II. Survey of cord and follow-up sera from 123 infants with congenital rubella. J Pediatr. 1969 Mar;74(3):383-92. [PubMed] Exit NIEHS Website
  • McCracken GH, Hardy JB, Chen TC, Sever JL. Evaluation of a radial diffusion plate method for determining serum immunoglobulin levels in normal and congenitally infected infants. J Pediatr. 1969 Dec;75(6):1204-10. [PubMed] Exit NIEHS Website
  • Myrianthopoulos NC. Role of  maternal factors in the occurrence of congenital malformations and other abnormalities of childhood. (Abstract.) In: Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Congenital Malformations. The Hague, Sept. 7-13, 1969. Excerpta Medica, International Congress Series No. 191, 1969:66.
  • Niswander KR, Singer J, Westphal M, Weiss W. Weight gain during pregnancy and prepregnancy weight. Association with birth weight of term gestation. Obstet Gynecol. 1969 Apr;33(4):482-91. [PubMed] Exit NIEHS Website
  • Rosenbaum AL, Churchill JA, Shakhashiri ZA, Moody RL. Neuropsychologic outcome of children whose mothers had proteinuria during pregnancy. Obstet Gynecol. 1969 Jan;33(1):118-23. [PubMed] Exit NIEHS Website
  • Sever JL. Viruses and embryos. Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Congenital Malformations. The Hague, Sept. 7-13, 1969. Excerpta Medica International Congress Series No. 204, 1969:180-186.
  • Sever JL, Hardy JB, Nelson KB, Gilkeson MR. Rubella in the collaborative perinatal research study. II. Clinical and laboratory findings in children through 3 years of age. Am J Dis Child. 1969 Jul;118(1):123-32. [PubMed] Exit NIEHS Website
  • Sever JL, Hardy JB, Korones SB, Gilkeson MR, Corridon L, Ley AC, Tzan N, Yarnick D. Cord immunoglobulins in a middle class Caucasian population. J Pediatr. 1969 Dec;75(6):1224-30. [PubMed] Exit NIEHS Website
  • Towbin A. Latent spinal cord and brain stem injury in newborn infants. Dev Med Child Neurol 1969;11:54-68.
  • Towbin A. Mental retardation due to germinal matrix infarction. Science. 1969 Apr 11;164(876):156-61. [PubMed] Exit NIEHS Website
  • Towbin A. Cerebral hypoxic damage in fetus and newborn. Basic patterns and their clinical significance. Arch Neurol. 1969 Jan;20(1):35-43. [PubMed] Exit NIEHS Website
  • Vollman RF. Rates of toxemia by age and parity. In: Die Spatgestose. Internationales Symposium an der Universitatsfrauenklinik Basel, Basel, Switzerland, April 25-26, 1969. Schwabe & Co., Verlag, Basel/Stuttgart:338-342.
  • Weiss W, Jackson EC. Maternal factors affecting birth weight. In: Perinatal Factors Affecting Human Development. Proceedings of Special Session, Eighth Meeting of PAHO Advisory Committee on Medical Research. June 10, 1969. Pan American Health Organization, Washington, DC, Scientific Publ. No. 185, 1969:54-59.
  • Weiss W, Jackson EC, Niswander KR, Eastman NJ. The influence on birthweight of change in maternal weight gain in successive pregnancies in the same woman. Int J Gynaecol Obstet 1969;7:210-233.
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