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DDE & PCBs in the Collaborative Perinatal Project

Publications 2000-2006

DDE & PCBs in the Collaborative Perinatal Project


  • Buka SL, Goldstein JM, Seidman LJ, Tsuang MT. Maternal recall of pregnancy history: accuracy and bias in schizophrenia research. Schizophr Bull. 26(2):335-50, 2000. [Abstract] ( Exit NIEHS Website
  • Cannon TD, Rosso IM, Hollister JM, Bearden CE, Sanchez LE, Hadley T. A prospective cohort study of genetic and perinatal influences in the etiology of schizophrenia. Schizophr Bull. 26(2):351-66, 2000. [Abstract] ( Exit NIEHS Website
  • Flannery KA, Liederman J, Daly L, Schultz J. Male prevalence for reading disability is found in a large sample of black and white children free from ascertainment bias. J Int Neuropsychol Soc. 6(4):433-42, 2000. [Abstract] ( Exit NIEHS Website
  • Gibson CL, Piquero AR, Tibbetts SG. Assessing the relationship between maternal cigarette smoking during pregnancy and age at first police contact. Justice Quarterly 17(3):518-542, 2000. [Abstract] ( Exit NIEHS Website
  • Gibson CL, Tibbetts SG. A biosocial interaction in predicting early onset of offending. Psychol Rep. 86(2):509-18, 2000. [Abstract] ( Exit NIEHS Website
  • Goldstein JM, Seidman LJ, Buka SL, Horton NJ, Donatelli JL, Rieder RO, Tsuang MT. Impact of genetic vulnerability and hypoxia on overall intelligence by age 7 in offspring at high risk for schizophrenia compared with affective psychoses. Schizophr Bull. 26(2):323-34, 2000. [Abstract] ( Exit NIEHS Website
  • Henderson CE, Ownby DR, Trumble A, DerSimonian R, Kellner LH. Predicting asthma severity from allergic sensitivity to cockroaches in pregnant inner city women. J Reprod Med. 45(4):341-4, 2000. [Abstract] ( Exit NIEHS Website
  • Nyberg K, Buka SL, Lipsitt LP. Perinatal medication as a potential risk factor for adult drug abuse in a North American cohort. Epidemiology 11(6):715-6, 2000. [Abstract] ( Exit NIEHS Website
  • Piquero AR. Assessing the relationships between gender, chronicity, seriousness, and offense skewness in criminal offending. Journal of Criminal Justice 28(2):103-115, 2000.
  • Piquero AR. Frequency, specialization, and violence in offending careers. Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency 37(4):392-418, 2000. [Abstract] ( Exit NIEHS Website
  • Rushton JP, Ankney CD. Size matters: A review and new analyses of racial differences in cranial capacity and intelligence that refute Kamin and Omari. Personality and Individual Differences 29(4):591-620, 2000. [Abstract] ( Exit NIEHS Website
  • Seidman LJ, Buka SL, Goldstein JM, Horton NJ, Rieder RO, Tsuang MT. The relationship of prenatal and perinatal complications to cognitive functioning at age 7 in the New England Cohorts of the National Collaborative Perinatal Project. Schizophr Bull. 26(2):309-21, 2000. [Abstract] ( Exit NIEHS Website
  • Williams MC, Gore D, O'Brien WF. Decreased birth weight/placenta ratio and asymmetric growth restriction. Obstet Gynecol. 95(4 Suppl 1):S76-S77, 2000.
  • Zhang J, Troendle J, Levine R. Risks of hypertensive disorders in the second pregnancy. Obstet Gynecol. 95(4 Suppl 1):S77, 2000.
  • Zornberg GL, Buka SL, Tsuang MT. Hypoxic-ischemia-related fetal/neonatal complications and risk of schizophrenia and other nonaffective psychoses: a 19-year longitudinal study. Am J Psychiatry 157(2):196-202, 2000. [Abstract]( Exit NIEHS Website

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  • Buka SL, Tsuang MT, Torrey EF, Klebanoff MA, Bernstein D, Yolken RH. Maternal infections and subsequent psychosis among offspring. Arch Gen Psychiatry. 58(11):1032-7, 2001. [Abstract] ( Exit NIEHS Website
  • Buka SL, Tsuang MT, Torrey EF, Klebanoff MA, Wagner RL, Yolken RH. Maternal cytokine levels during pregnancy and adult psychosis. Brain Behav Immun. 15(4):411-20, 2001. [Abstract] ( Exit NIEHS Website
  • Gibson CL, Piquero AR, Tibbetts SG. The contribution of family adversity and verbal IQ to criminal behavior. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology 45(5):574-592, 2001. [Abstract] ( Exit NIEHS Website
  • Harila-Kaera V, Heikkinen T, Alvesalo L, Osborne RH. Permanent tooth crown dimensions in prematurely born children. Early Hum Dev 62(2):131-47, 2001. [Abstract] ( Exit NIEHS Website
  • Longnecker MP, Klebanoff MA, Brock JW, Zhou H, Collaborative Perinatal Project (CPP). Polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) serum levels in pregnant diabetics. Diabetes Care 24:1099-1101, 2001. [Abstract] ( Exit NIEHS Website
  • Longnecker MP, Klebanoff MA, Zhou H, Brock JW. Association between maternal serum concentration of the DDT metabolite DDE and preterm and small-for-gestational-age babies at birth. Lancet 358:110-4, 2001. [Abstract] ( Exit NIEHS Website
  • Matte TD, Bresnahan M, Begg MD, Susser E. Influence of variation in birth weight within normal range and within sibships on IQ at age 7 years: Cohort Study. British Medical Journal 323:310-4, 2001. [Abstract] ( Exit NIEHS Website
  • McDermott S, Daguise V, Mann H, Szwejbka L, Callaghan W. Perinatal risk for mortality and mental retardation associated with maternal urinary-tract infections. J Fam Pract 50(5):433-7, 2001. [Abstract] ( Exit NIEHS Website
  • Piquero A. Testing Moffitt's neuropsychological variation hypothesis for the prediction of life-course persistent offending. Psychology, Crime and Law 7(3):193-215, 2001. [Abstract] ( Exit NIEHS Website
  • Piquero AR, Chung HL. On the relationships between gender, early onset, and the seriousness of offending. Journal of Criminal Justice 29(3):189-206, 2001.
  • Pirila-Parkkinen K, Pirttiniemi P, Alvesalo L, Silven O, Heikkila J, Osborne RH. The relationship of handedness to asymmetry in the occlusal morphology of first permanent molars. Eur J Morphol 2001;39(2):81-9. [Abstract] ( Exit NIEHS Website
  • Zhang J, Klebanoff MA, Roberts JM. Prediction of adverse outcomes by common definitions of hypertension in pregnancy. Obstet Gynecol 97(2):261-267, 2001. [Abstract] ( Exit NIEHS Website
  • Zhang J, Brenner RA, Klebanoff MA. Differences in birth weight and blood pressure at age 7 years among twins. Am J Epidemiol. 153(8):779-82, 2001. [Abstract] ( Exit NIEHS Website
  • Zhang J, Klebanoff MA. Low blood pressure during pregnancy and poor perinatal outcomes: an obstetric paradox. Am J Epidemiol. 153(7):642-6, 2001. [Abstract] ( Exit NIEHS Website

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  • Gilman SE, Kawachi I, Fitzmaurice GM, Buka SL. Socioeconomic status in childhood and the lifetime risk of major depression. Int J Epidemiol. 31(2):359-67, 2002. [Abstract] ( Exit NIEHS Website
  • Harila-Kaera V, Gron M, Heikkinen T, Alvesalo L. Sagittal occlusal relationships and asymmetry in prematurely born children. Eur J Orthod 24(6):615-25, 2002. [Abstract] ( Exit NIEHS Website
  • Klebanoff MA, Levine RJ, Clemens JD, Wilkins DG. Maternal serum caffeine metabolites and small-for-gestational age birth. Am J Epidemiol 155(1):32-7, 2002. [Abstract] ( Exit NIEHS Website
  • Longnecker MP, Klebanoff MA, Brock JW, Zhou H, Gray KA, Needham LL, Wilcox AJ. Maternal serum level of 1,1-dichloro-2,2-bis(p-chlorophenyl)ethylene and risk of cryptorchidism, hypospadias, and polythelia among male offspring. Am J Epidemiol 155:313-22, 2002. [Abstract] ( Exit NIEHS Website
  • Piquero AR, Buka SL. Linking juvenile and adult patterns of criminal activity in the Providence cohort of the National Collaborative Perinatal Project. Journal of Criminal Justice 30(4):259-272, 2002.
  • SanGiovanni JP, Chew EY, Reed GF, Remaley NA, Bateman JB, Sugimoto TA, et al. Infantile cataract in the collaborative perinatal project: prevalence and risk factors. Arch Ophthalmol 120(11):1559-65, 2002. [Abstract] ( Exit NIEHS Website
  • Zhou H, Chen J, Cai J. Random effects logistic regression analysis with auxiliary covariates. Biometrics 58(2):352-60, 2002. [Abstract] ( Exit NIEHS Website
  • Zhou H, Weaver MA, Qin J, Longnecker MP, Wang MC. A semiparametric empirical likelihood method for data from an outcome-dependent sampling scheme with a continuous outcome. Biometrics 58:413-21, 2002. [Abstract] ( Exit NIEHS Website

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  • Buka SL, Shenassa ED, Niaura R. Elevated risk of tobacco dependence among offspring of mothers who smoked during pregnancy: a 30-year prospective study. Am J Psychiatry 160(11):1978-84, 2003. [Abstract] ( Exit NIEHS Website
  • Daniels JL, Longnecker MP, Klebanoff MA, Gray KA, Brock JW, Zhou H, Chen Z, Needham LL. Prenatal exposure to low level polychlorinated biphenyls in relation to mental and motor development at 8 months. Am J Epidemiol 157:485-92, 2003. [Abstract] ( Exit NIEHS Website
  • Gilman SE, Kawachi I, Fitzmaurice GM, Buka SL. Family disruption in childhood and risk of adult depression. Am J Psychiatry 160(5):939-46, 2003. [Abstract] ( Exit NIEHS Website
  • Gilman SE, Abrams DB, Buka SL. Socioeconomic status over the life course and stages of cigarette use: initiation, regular use, and cessation. J Epidemiol Community Health 57(10):802-8, 2003. [Abstract] ( Exit NIEHS Website
  • Gilman SE, Kawachi I, Fitzmaurice GM, Buka L. Socio-economic status, family disruption and residential stability in childhood: relation to onset, recurrence and remission of major depression. Psychol Med 33(8):1341-55, 2003. [Abstract] ( Exit NIEHS Website
  • Hardy JB. The Collaborative Perinatal Project: lessons and legacy. Ann Epidemiol 13(5):303-11, 2003. [Abstract] ( Exit NIEHS Website
  • Harila-Kaera V, Heikkinen T, Alvesalo L. The eruption of permanent incisors and first molars in prematurely born children. Eur J Orthod 25(3):293-9, 2003. [Abstract] ( Exit NIEHS Website
  • Harila V, Heikkinen T, Alvesalo L. Deciduous tooth crown size in prematurely born children. Early Hum Dev 75(1-2):9-20, 2003. [Abstract] ( Exit NIEHS Website
  • Longnecker MP, Wolff MS, Gladen BC, Brock JW, Grandjean P, Jacobson JL, Korrick SA, Rogan WJ, Weisglas-Kuperus N, Hertz-Picciotto I, Ayotte P, Stewart P, Winneke G, Charles MJ, Jacobson SW, Dewailly E, Boersma ER, Altshul LM, Heinzow B, Pagano JJ, Jensen AA. Comparison of Polychlorinated Biphenyl Levels across Studies of Human Neurodevelopment. Environ Health Perspect 111:65-70, 2003. [Abstract] ( Exit NIEHS Website
  • Longnecker MP, Zhou H, Klebanoff MA, Brock JW. An unexpected distribution of sodium concentration in serum specimens stored for more than 30 years. Ann Epidemiol 13:178-81, 2003. [Abstract] ( Exit NIEHS Website
  • McGrath J, Eyles D, Mowry B, Yolken R, Buka S. Low maternal vitamin D as a risk factor for schizophrenia: a pilot study using banked sera. Schizophr Res. 63(1-2):73-8, 2003. [Abstract] ( Exit NIEHS Website
  • Niendam TA, Bearden CE, Rosso IM, Sanchez LE, Hadley T, Nuechterlein KH, et al. A prospective study of childhood neurocognitive functioning in schizophrenic patients and their siblings. Am J Psychiatry 160(11):2060-2, 2003. [Abstract] ( Exit NIEHS Website
  • Piquero AR, White NA. On the relationship between cognitive abilities and life-course-persistent offending among a sample of African Americans: A longitudinal test of Moffitt's hypothesis. Journal of Criminal Justice 31(5):399-409, 2003. [Abstract] ( Exit NIEHS Website
  • Turkheimer E, Haley A, Waldron M, D'Onofrio B, Gottesman, II. Socioeconomic status modifies heritability of IQ in young children. Psychol Sci 14(6):623-8, 2003. [Abstract] ( Exit NIEHS Website

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  • Borrell LN, Factor-Litvak P, Wolff MS, Susser E, Matte TD. Effect of socioeconomic status on exposures to polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylene (DDE) among pregnant African-American women. Arch Environ Health 59(5):250-5, 2004. [Abstract] ( Exit NIEHS Website
  • Buka SL, Goldstein JM, Spartos E, Tsuang MT. The retrospective measurement of prenatal and perinatal events: accuracy of maternal recall. Schizophr Res. 71(2-3):417-26, 2004. [Abstract] ( Exit NIEHS Website
  • Engels EA, Chen J, Viscidi RP, Shah KV, Daniel RW, Chatterjee N, Klebanoff MA. Poliovirus vaccination during pregnancy, maternal seroconversion to simian virus 40, and risk of childhood cancer. Am J Epidemiol. 15;160(4):306-16, 2004. [Abstract] ( Exit NIEHS Website
  • Friedman AS, Terras A, Zhu W, McCallum J. Depression, negative self-image, and suicidal attempts as effects of substance use and substance dependence. J Addict Dis 23(4):55-71, 2004 . [Abstract] ( Exit NIEHS Website
  • Gladen BC, Klebanoff MA, Hediger ML, Katz SH, Barr DB, Davis MD, Longnecker MP. Prenatal DDT exposure in relation to anthropometric and pubertal measures in adolescent males. Environ Health Perspect 112:1761-7, 2004. [Abstract] ( Exit NIEHS Website
  • Longnecker MP, Hoffman HJ, Klebanoff MA, Brock JW, Zhou H, Needham L, Adera T, Guo X, Gray KA. In utero exposure to polychlorinated biphenyls and sensorinerual hearing loss in 8-year old children. Neurotoxicol Teratol 26:629-37, 2004. [Abstract] ( Exit NIEHS Website
  • Martin LT, Fitzmaurice GM, Kindlon DJ, Buka SL. Cognitive performance in childhood and early adult illness: a prospective cohort study. J Epidemiol Community Health 58(8):674-9, 2004. [Abstract] ( Exit NIEHS Website
  • Torrey EF, Dhavale D, Lawlor JP, Yolken RH. Autism and head circumference in the first year of life. Biol Psychiatry 56(11):892-4, 2004. [Abstract] ( Exit NIEHS Website
  • White NA, Piquero AR. A preliminary empirical test of Silverthorn and Frick's delayed-onset pathway in girls using an urban, African-American, US-based sample. Crim Behav Ment Health 14(4):291-309, 2004. [Abstract] ( Exit NIEHS Website

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  • Cooper GS, Klebanoff MA, Promislow J, Brock JW, Longnecker MP. Polychlorinated biphenyls and menstrual cycle characteristics. Epidemiology 16:191-200, 2005. [Abstract] ( Exit NIEHS Website
  • Gomez-Smith Z, Piquero AR. An examination of adult onset offending. Journal of Criminal Justice 33(6):515-525, 2005. [Abstract] ( Exit NIEHS Website
  • Gray KA, Klebanoff MA, Brock JW, Zhou H, Darden R, Needham L, et al. In utero exposure to background levels of polychlorinated biphenyls and cognitive functioning among school-age children. Am J Epidemiol 162(1):17-26, 2005. [Abstract] ( Exit NIEHS Website
  • Law DC, Klebanoff MA, Brock JW, Dunson DB, Longnecker MP. Maternal serum levels of polychlorinated biphenyls and 1,1-dichloro-2,2-bis(p-chlorophenyl)ethylene (DDE) and time to pregnancy. Am J Epidemiol 162(6):523-32, 2005. [Abstract] ( Exit NIEHS Website
  • Longnecker MP, Klebanoff MA, Dunson DB, Guo X, Chen Z, Zhou H, Brock JW. Maternal serum level of the DDT metabolite DDE in relation to fetal loss in previous pregnancies. Environ Res 97:194-9, 2005. [Abstract] ( Exit NIEHS Website
  • Longnecker MP, Klebanoff MA, Brock JW, Guo X. Maternal levels of polychlorinated biphenyls in relation to preterm and small-for-gestational-age birth. Epidemiology 16(5):641-7, 2005. [Abstract] ( Exit NIEHS Website
  • McGlynn KA, Graubard BI, Nam JM, Stanczyk FZ, Longnecker MP, Klebanoff MA. Maternal hormone levels and risk of cryptorchism among populations at high and low risk of testicular germ cell tumors. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 14(7):1732-7, 2005. [Abstract] ( Exit NIEHS Website
  • Misra DP, Astone N, Lynch CD. Maternal smoking and birth weight: interaction with parity and mother's own in utero exposure to smoking. Epidemiology 16(3):288-93, 2005. [Abstract] ( Exit NIEHS Website
  • Reddy UM, Branum AM, Klebanoff MA. Relationship of maternal body mass index and height to twinning. Obstet Gynecol. 105(3):593-7, 2005. [Abstract] ( Exit NIEHS Website
  • Spector LG, Klebanoff MA, Feusner JH, Georgieff MK, Ross JA. Childhood cancer following neonatal oxygen supplementation. J Pediatr 147(1):27-31, 2005. [Abstract] ( Exit NIEHS Website
  • Zhang Y, Graubard BI, Klebanoff MA, Ronckers C, Stanczyk FZ, Longnecker MP, et al. Maternal hormone levels among populations at high and low risk of testicular germ cell cancer. Br J Cancer 92(9):1787-93, 2005. [Abstract] ( Exit NIEHS Website

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  • Ananth CV, Oyelese Y, Prasad V, Getahun D, Smulian JC. Evidence of placental abruption as a chronic process: Associations with vaginal bleeding early in pregnancy and placental lesions. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol 128(1-2):15-21, 2006. [Abstract] ( Exit NIEHS Website
  • Chen A, Pennell ML, Klebanoff MA, Rogan WJ, Longnecker MP. Maternal smoking during pregnancy in relation to child overweight: follow-up to age 8 years. Int J Epidemiol 35(1):121-30, 2006. [Abstract] ( Exit NIEHS Website
  • Cooney MA, Buck Louis GM, Sun W, Rice MM, Klebanoff MA. Is conception delay a risk factor for reduced gestation or birthweight? Paediatr Perinat Epidemiol 20(3):201-9, 2006. [Abstract] ( Exit NIEHS Website
  • Hemachandra AH, Klebanoff MA, Furth SL. Racial disparities in the association between birth weight in the term infant and blood pressure at age 7 years: results from the collaborative perinatal project. J Am Soc Nephrol 17(9):2576-81, 2006. [Abstract] ( Exit NIEHS Website
  • Keim SA, Klebanoff MA. Aspirin use and miscarriage risk. Epidemiology 17(4):435-9, 2006. [Abstract] ( Exit NIEHS Website
  • Louis GB, Dukic V, Heagerty PJ, Louis TA, Lynch CD, Ryan LM, et al. Analysis of repeated pregnancy outcomes. Stat Methods Med Res 15(2):103-26, 2006. [Abstract] ( Exit NIEHS Website
  • McGlynn KA, Graubard BI, Klebanoff MA, Longnecker MP. Risk factors for cryptorchism among populations at differing risks of testicular cancer. Int J Epidemiol 35(3):787-95, 2006. [Abstract] ( Exit NIEHS Website
  • McGrath JJ, Saha S, Lieberman DE, Buka S. Season of birth is associated with anthropometric and neurocognitive outcomes during infancy and childhood in a general population birth cohort. Schizophr Res 81(1):91-100, 2006. [Abstract] ( Exit NIEHS Website
  • Ribas-Fito N, Gladen BC, Brock JW, Klebanoff MA, Longnecker MP. Prenatal exposure to 1,1-dichloro-2,2-bis (p-chlorophenyl)ethylene (p,p'-DDE) in relation to child growth. Int J Epidemiol. 35(4):853-8, 2006. [Abstract] ( Exit NIEHS Website
  • Seidman LJ, Buka SL, Goldstein JM, Tsuang MT. Intellectual decline in schizophrenia: evidence from a prospective birth cohort 28 year follow-up study. J Clin Exp Neuropsychol 28(2):225-42, 2006. [Abstract] ( Exit NIEHS Website
  • Shier D, Tilson JL. The Temporal Stage fallacy: A novel statistical fallacy in the medical literature. Med Health Care Philos 9(2):243-7, 2006. [Abstract] ( Exit NIEHS Website
  • Sorensen HJ, Mortensen EL, Parnas J, Mednick SA. Premorbid neurocognitive functioning in schizophrenia spectrum disorder. Schizophr Bull 32(3):578-83, 2006. [Abstract] ( Exit NIEHS Website

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