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DDE & PCBs in the Collaborative Perinatal Project

Publications 1990-1999

DDE & PCBs in the Collaborative Perinatal Project


  • Bulterys MG, Greenland S, Kraus JF. Chronic fetal hypoxia and sudden infant death syndrome: interaction between maternal smoking and low hematocrit during pregnancy. Pediatrics. 1990 Oct;86(4):535-40. [Abstract] ( Exit NIEHS Website
  • Chen TC, Leviton A. Asthma and eczema in children born to women with migraine. Arch Neurol. 1990 Nov;47(11):1227-30. [Abstract] ( Exit NIEHS Website
  • Hurst DL. Epidemiology of severe myoclonic epilepsy of infancy. Epilepsia. 1990 Jul-Aug;31(4):397-400. [Abstract] ( Exit NIEHS Website
  • Kochanek TT, Kabacoff RI, Lipsitt LP. Early identification of developmentally disabled and at-risk preschool children. Except Child. 1990 Apr;56(6):528-38. [Abstract] ( Exit NIEHS Website
  • Neff RK, Leviton A. Maternal theophylline consumption and the risk of stillbirth. Chest. 1990 May;97(5):1266-7. [Abstract] ( Exit NIEHS Website
  • Nelson KB, Ellenberg JH. Prenatal and perinatal antecedents of febrile seizures. Ann Neurol. 1990 Feb;27(2):127-31. [Abstract] ( Exit NIEHS Website
  • Newman TB, Maisels MJ. Does hyperbilirubinemia damage the brain of healthy full-term infants? Clin Perinatol. 1990 Jun;17(2):331-58. Review. [Abstract] ( Exit NIEHS Website
  • Torfs CP, van den Berg BJ, Oechsli FW, Christianson RE. Thyroid antibodies as a risk factor for Down syndrome and other trisomies. Am J Hum Genet. 1990 Oct;47(4):727-34. [Abstract] ( Exit NIEHS Website


  • Berg AT. Menstrual cycle length and the calculation of gestational age. Am J Epidemiol. 1991 Mar 15;133(6):585-9. [Abstract] ( Exit NIEHS Website
  • Friedman AS, Bransfield SA, Tomko LA, Katz S. Early childhood and maternal antecedents to drug use. J Drug Educ. 1991;21(4):313-31. [Abstract] ( Exit NIEHS Website
  • Klebanoff MA, Shiono PH, Selby JV, Trachtenberg AI, Graubard BI. Anemia and spontaneous preterm birth. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 1991 Jan;164(1 Pt 1):59-63. [Abstract] ( Exit NIEHS Website
  • Nelson KB. Perinatal brain injury in the term infant. In: The Term Newborn Infant, A Current Look. Ross Laboratories 1991:9-107.
  • Nelson KB. Prenatal and perinatal factors in the etiology of autism. Pediatrics. 1991 May;87(5 Pt 2):761-6. Review. [Abstract] ( Exit NIEHS Website
  • Nelson KB, Leviton A. How much of neonatal encephalopathy is due to birth asphyxia? Am J Dis Child. 1991 Nov;145(11):1325-31. [Abstract] ( Exit NIEHS Website

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  • Cowann LD, Leviton A, Nelson KB. Neurological disorders. In: Maxcy-Rosenau-Last Public Health and Preventive Medicine, 13th Ed. Last JM, Wallace KB, Eds. Norwald [sic] CT, Appleton & Lange, 1992;(Chap 55):929-935.
  • Heikkinen T, Alvesalo L, Osborne RH, Pirttiniemi P. Maternal smoking and tooth formation in the foetus. I. Tooth crown size in the deciduous dentition. Early Hum Dev. 1992 Aug;30(1):49-59. [Abstract] ( Exit NIEHS Website
  • Newman TB, Klebanoff MA. Neonatal hyperbilirubinemia and long-term outcome: another look at the Collaborative Perinatal Project. Pediatrics. 1993 Nov;92(5):651-7. [Abstract] ( Exit NIEHS Website
  • Sever JL, Ellenberg JH, LeyAC, Madden DL, Fuccillo DA, Tzan NR, Edmonds DM. Perinatal 'TORCH' infections identified by serology: correlation with abnormalities in the children through 7 years of age. Int J Epidemiol. 1992 Apr;21(2):285-92. [Abstract] ( Exit NIEHS Website

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  • Baird DD, Ragan NB, Wilcox AJ, Weinberg CR. Relationship between reduced fecundability and subsequent fetal loss. In: Biomedical and Demographic Determinants of Human Reproduction. Gray RH, Ed. Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1993:329-341.
  • Blakemore K, Filkins K, Luthy DA, Platt LD, Medearis AL, Carlson D, Priest J, Korotkin J, Verp MS, Padilla LM, et al. Cook obstetrics and gynecology catheter multicenter chorionic villus sampling trial: comparison of birth defects with expected rates. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 1993 Oct;169(4):1022-6. [Abstract] ( Exit NIEHS Website
  • Klebanoff MA, Read JS, Mills JL, Shiono PH. The risk of childhood cancer after neonatal exposure to vitamin K. N Engl J Med. 1993 Sep 23;329(13):905-8. [Abstract] ( Exit NIEHS Website
  • Leviton A, Guild-Wilson M, Neff RK, Gambill P. The Boston Teacher Questionnaire. 1. Definition of syndromes. J Child Neurol. 1993 Jan;8(1):43-53. [Abstract] ( Exit NIEHS Website
  • Nelson KB. Epidemiologic studies of cerebral palsy. In: New Trends in Pediatric Neurology. Fejerman N, Chamoles NA, Eds. Amsterdam, Elsevier 1993:333-8.
  • Nelson KB. Febrile seizures. In: Gellis and Kagan's Current Pediatric Therapy, 14th Ed. Burg, Ingelfinger, Wald, Eds. Philadelphia, WB Saunders 1993:88-90.
  • Nelson KB, Emery ES. Birth asphyxia and the neonatal brain: what do we know and when do we know it? Clin Perinatol. 1993 Jun;20(2):327-44. Review. [Abstract] ( Exit NIEHS Website
  • Newman TB, Klebanoff MA. Neonatal hyperbilirubinemia and long-term outcome: another look at the Collaborative Perinatal Project. Pediatrics. 1993 Nov;92(5):651-7. [Abstract] ( Exit NIEHS Website
  • Niswander KR, Nelson KB. Fetal and neonatal neurologic injury. Technical Bulletin, American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology 1992;163: January.

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  • Chen TC, Leviton A. Headache recurrence in pregnant women with migraine. Headache. 1994 Feb;34(2):107-10. [Abstract] ( Exit NIEHS Website
  • Chew E, Remaley NA, Tamboli A, Zhao J, Podgor MJ, Klebanoff M. Risk factors for esotropia and exotropia. Arch Ophthalmol. 1994 Oct;112(10):1349-55. [Abstract] ( Exit NIEHS Website
  • Gilbert-Barness EF. Collaborative perinatal mortality study. Arch Pathol Lab Med. 1994 Feb;118(2):126-7. [Abstract] ( Exit NIEHS Website
  • Heikkinen T, Alvesalo L, Osborne RH, Tienari J. Maternal smoking and tooth formation in the foetus. II. Tooth crown size in the permanent dentition. Early Hum Dev. 1994 Dec 16;40(1):73-86. [Abstract] ( Exit NIEHS Website
  • Hook EB. Cardiovascular birth defects and prenatal exposure to female sex hormones: a reevaluation of data reanalysis from a large prospective study. Teratology. 1994 Mar;49(3):162-6. [Abstract] ( Exit NIEHS Website
  • Naulty CM, Long LB, Pettett G. Prevalence of prematurity, low birthweight, and asphyxia as perinatal risk factors in a current population of children with cerebral palsy. Am J Perinatol. 1994 Nov;11(6):377-81. [Abstract] ( Exit NIEHS Website
  • Nelson KB. Timing the onset of cerebral palsy and other developmental disabilities: the epidemiologic evidence. In: Brain Lesions in the Newborn. Lou HC, Greisen G, Falk Larsen J, Eds. Alfred Benzon Symposium 37, Munksgaard, Copenhagen, 1994:136-44.
  • Offringa M, Bossuyt PM, Lubsen J, Ellenberg JH, Nelson KB, Knudsen FU, Annegers JF, el-Radhi AS, Habbema JD, Derksen-Lubsen G, et al. Risk factors for seizure recurrence in children with febrile seizures: a pooled analysis of individual patient data from five studies. J Pediatr. 1994 Apr;124(4):574-84. [Abstract] ( Exit NIEHS Website
  • Pirttiniemi P, Gron M, Alvesalo L, Heikkinen T, Osborne R. Relationship of difficult forceps delivery to dental arches and occlusion. Pediatr Dent. 1994 Jul-Aug;16(4):289-93. [Abstract] ( Exit NIEHS Website

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  • Bernstein L, Lipworth L, Ross RK, Trichopoulos D. Correlation of estrogen levels between successive pregnancies. Am J Epidemiol. 1995 Sep 15;142(6):625-8. [Abstract] ( Exit NIEHS Website
  • Friedman AS, Granick S, Bransfield S, Kreisher C, Khalsa J. Gender differences in early life risk factors for substance use/abuse: a study of an African-American sample. Am J Drug Alcohol Abuse. 1995 Nov;21(4):511-31. [Abstract] ( Exit NIEHS Website
  • Liederman J, Flannery KA. The sex ratios of families with a neurodevelopmentally disordered child. J Child Psychol Psychiatry. 1995 Mar;36(3):511-7. [Abstract] ( Exit NIEHS Website
  • Naulty CM, LongLB, Pettett G. Prevalence of prematurity, low birthweight, and asphyxia as perinatal risk factors in a current population of children with cerebral palsy. Am J Perinatol. 1994 Nov;11(6):377-81. [Abstract] ( Exit NIEHS Website
  • Nelson KB, Ellenberg JH. Childhood neurological disorders in twins. Paediatr Perinat Epidemiol. 1995 Apr;9(2):135-45. [Abstract] ( Exit NIEHS Website

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  • Flannery KA, Liederman J. A re-examination of the sex ratios of families with a neurodevelopmentally disordered child. J Child Psychol Psychiatry. 1996 Jul;37(5):621-3. [Abstract] ( Exit NIEHS Website
  • Friedman AS, Granick S, Bransfield S, Kreisher C, Schwartz A. The consequences of drug use/abuse for vocational career: a longitudinal study of a male urban African-American sample. Am J Drug Alcohol Abuse. 1996 Feb;22(1):57-73. [Abstract] ( Exit NIEHS Website
  • Klebanoff MA, Clemens JD, Read JS. Maternal smoking during pregnancy and childhood cancer. Am J Epidemiol. 1996 Dec 1;144(11):1028-33. [Abstract] ( Exit NIEHS Website
  • Nagourney BA, Kramer MS, Klebanoff MA, Usher RH. Recurrent respiratory distress syndrome in successive preterm pregnancies. J Pediatr. 1996 Oct;129(4):591-6. [Abstract] ( Exit NIEHS Website
  • Pinar H, Sung CJ, Oyer CE, Singer DB. Reference values for singleton and twin placental weights. Pediatr Pathol Lab Med. 1996 Nov-Dec;16(6):901-7. [Abstract] ( Exit NIEHS Website
  • Podgor MJ, Remaley NA, Chew E. Associations between siblings for esotropia and exotropia. Arch Ophthalmol. 1996 Jun;114(6):739-44. [Abstract] ( Exit NIEHS Website
  • Williams MC, O'Brien WF, Spellacy WN. Cerebral palsy, perinatal depression and low ponderal index. Dev Med Child Neurol. 1996 Aug;38(8):661-7. [Abstract] ( Exit NIEHS Website

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  • Brand PL, van de Bor M, Fetter WP, Kollee LA, de Leeuw R, de Nef JJ. [Hyperbilirubinemia in full-term neonates: sequelae for long-term development better than expected. Ad-hoc Commission Hyperbilirubinemia and Phototherapy of the Section Neonatology of the Netherlands Society for Pediatrics]. Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd. 1997 Jan 18;141(3):144-7. Review. Dutch. [Abstract] ( Exit NIEHS Website
  • Hardy JB, Shapiro S, Mellits ED, Skinner EA, Astone NM, Ensminger M, LaVeist T, Baumgardner RA, Starfield BH. Self-sufficiency at ages 27 to 33 years: factors present between birth and 18 years that predict educational attainment among children born to inner-city families. Pediatrics. 1997 Jan;99(1):80-7. [Abstract] ( Exit NIEHS Website
  • Hardy JB, Shapiro S, Astone NM, Miller TL, Brooks-Gunn J, Hilton SC. Adolescent childbearing revisited: the age of inner-city mothers at delivery is a determinant of their children's self-sufficiency at age 27 to 33. Pediatrics. 1997 Nov;100(5):802-9. [Abstract] ( Exit NIEHS Website
  • Heikkinen T, Alvesalo L, Osborne RH, Tienari J. Maternal smoking and tooth formation in the foetus. III. Thin mandibular incisors and delayed motor development at 1 year of age. Early Hum Dev. 1997 Feb 20;47(3):327-40. [Abstract] ( Exit NIEHS Website
  • Liederman, Jacqueline; Flannery, Kathleen A; Curley, Justine. Cryptorchidism (undescended testes): A common congenital malformation associated with neurobehavioral abnormalities.Child Neuropsychology. Vol 3(2), Aug 1997, 134-146.
  • Rushton JP. Cranial size and IQ in Asian Americans from birth to age seven. Intelligence 25(1):7-20, 1997. [Abstract] ( Exit NIEHS Website
  • WilliamsMC, O'Brien WF. A comparison of birth weight and weight/length ratio for gestation as correlates of perinatal morbidity. J Perinatol. 1997 Sep-Oct;17(5):346-50. [Abstract] ( Exit NIEHS Website
  • Williams MC, O'Brien WF. Cerebral palsy in infants with asymmetric growth restriction. Am J Perinatol. 1997 Apr;14(4):211-5. [Abstract] ( Exit NIEHS Website

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  • Camp BW, Broman SH, Nichols PL, Leff M. Maternal and neonatal risk factors for mental retardation: defining the 'at-risk' child. Early Hum Dev. 1998 Jan 9;50(2):159-73. [Abstract] ( Exit NIEHS Website
  • Falkner B, Hulman S, Kushner H. Birth weight versus childhood growth as determinants of adult blood pressure. Hypertension. 1998 Jan;31(1):145-50. [Abstract] ( Exit NIEHS Website
  • Gibson CL, Tibbetts SG. Interaction between maternal cigarette smoking and Apgar scores in predicting offending behavior. Psychol Rep. 1998 Oct;83(2):579-86. [Abstract] ( Exit NIEHS Website
  • Hardy JB, Astone NM, Brooks-Gunn J, Shapiro S, Miller TL. Like mother, like child: intergenerational patterns of age at first birth and associations with childhood and adolescent characteristics and adult outcomes in the second generation. Dev Psychol. 1998 Nov;34(6):1220-32. [Abstract] ( Exit NIEHS Website
  • Henderson CE, Ownby D, Klebanoff M, Levine RJ. Stability of immunoglobulin E (IgE) in stored obstetric sera. J Immunol Methods. 1998 Apr 1;213(1):99-101. [Abstract] ( Exit NIEHS Website
  • Hulman S, Kushner H, Katz S, Falkner B. Can cardiovascular risk be predicted by newborn, childhood, and adolescent body size? An examination of longitudinal data in urban African Americans. J Pediatr. 1998 Jan;132(1):90-7. [Abstract] ( Exit NIEHS Website
  • Klebanoff MA, Levine RJ, Clemens JD, DerSimonian R, Wilkins DG. Serum cotinine concentration and self-reported smoking during pregnancy. Am J Epidemiol. 1998 Aug 1;148(3):259-62. [Abstract] ( Exit NIEHS Website
  • Klebanoff MA, Zemel BS, Buka S, Zierler S. Long-term follow-up of participants in the Collaborative Perinatal Project: tracking the next generation. Paediatr Perinat Epidemiol. 1998 Jul;12(3):334-46. [Abstract] ( Exit NIEHS Website
  • Kremen WS, Buka SL, Seidman LJ, Goldstein JM, Koren D, Tsuang MT. IQ decline during childhood and adult psychotic symptoms in a community sample: a 19-year longitudinal study. Am J Psychiatry. 1998 May;155(5):672-7. [Abstract] ( Exit NIEHS Website
  • Schley S, Brooks-Gunn J, Hardy JB. Intergenerational similarities in cognitive development and academic achievement outcomes at age 8: Importance of family resources. In: Dynamics of parenting. Gerris JRM, Ed. Hillsdale, NJ, L. Erlbaum, 1998.
  • Strauss RS, Dietz WH. Growth and development of term children born with low birth weight: effects of genetic and environmental factors. J Pediatr. 1998 Jul;133(1):67-72. [Abstract] ( Exit NIEHS Website
  • Hardy JB, Astone NM, Brooks-Gunn J, Shapiro S, Miller TL. Like mother, like child: intergenerational patterns of age at first birth and associations with childhood and adolescent characteristics and adult outcomes in the second generation. Dev Psychol 34(6):1220-32, 1998. [Abstract] ( Exit NIEHS Website

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  • Bartlett DJ. Comparison of 15-month motor and 18-month neurological outcomes of term infants with and without motor delays at 10-months-of-age. Physical and Occupational Therapy in Pediatrics 1999;19(3-4):61-72. [Abstract] ( Exit NIEHS Website
  • Cannon TD, Rosso IM, Bearden CE, Sanchez LE, Hadley T. A prospective cohort study of neurodevelopmental processes in the genesis and epigenesis of schizophrenia. Dev Psychopathol. 1999 Summer;11(3):467-85. [Abstract] ( Exit NIEHS Website
  • Klebanoff MA, Levine RJ, DerSimonian R, Clemens JD, Wilkins DG. Maternal serum paraxanthine, a caffeine metabolite, and the risk of spontaneous abortion. N Engl J Med. 1999 Nov 25;341(22):1639-44. [Abstract] ( Exit NIEHS Website
  • Longnecker MP, Klebanoff MA, Gladen BC, Berendes HW. Serial levels of serum organochlorines during pregnancy and postpartum. Arch Environ Health. 1999 Mar-Apr;54(2):110-4. [Abstract] ( Exit NIEHS Website
  • Misra DP, Ananth CV. Risk factor profiles of placental abruption in first and second pregnancies: heterogeneous etiologies. J Clin Epidemiol. 1999 May;52(5):453-61. [Abstract] ( Exit NIEHS Website
  • Strauss RS, Dietz WH. Low maternal weight gain in the second or third trimester increases the risk for intrauterine growth retardation. J Nutr. 1999 May;129(5):988-93. [Abstract] ( Exit NIEHS Website
  • Tibbetts SG, Piquero AR. The influence of gender, low birth weight, and disadvantaged environment in predicting early onset of offending: A test of moffitt's interactional hypothesis. Criminology 1999;37(4):843-877. [Abstract] ( Exit NIEHS Website
  • Yiu V, Buka S, Zurakowski D, McCormick M, Brenner B, Jabs K. Relationship between birthweight and blood pressure in childhood. Am J Kidney Dis. 1999 Feb;33(2):253-60. [Abstract] ( Exit NIEHS Website
  • Zhang J, Klebanoff MA, Levine RJ, Puri M, Moyer P. The puzzling association between smoking and hypertension during pregnancy. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 1999 Dec;181(6):1407-13. [Abstract] ( Exit NIEHS Website

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