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Keweenaw National Historical ParkSnow surrounds the former Calumet & Hecla Machine Shop.
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Keweenaw National Historical Park
The abandoned shaft-rockhouse of the # 13 Osceola mine is silhouetted by a winter sunrise.
NPS Photo, Dan Johnson.
The abandoned shaft-rockhouse of the #13 Osceola mine is silhouetted by a winter sunrise.
John Brinckerhoff Jackson, a writer whose interpretations of the American landscape often celebrated the commonplace, once remarked, “landscape is history made visible.” The history of the Keweenaw Peninsula is certainly visible today in the historic mining communities, mines, worker housing, roads, churches, remnant orchards, commercial districts, abandoned railroad grades, stone ruins, farms and other widely dispersed historic landscape features.

The historic landscapes found on the Keweenaw Peninsula, along with the buildings and features they contain serve as tangible reminders of our nation’s copper mining heritage. They also reflect the culture, traditions and customs of the people who make their homes here today. Historic sites both within and outside the park invite each of us to make our own connections to this place.

The national historical park consists of two separate units - Quincy and Calumet - 12 miles apart. The two units are located at the sites of former large-scale mines. The Quincy Mining Company property illustrates the processes and technologies of copper mining. The social, ethnic, commercial, and company planned aspects of a mining community are revealed in the village of Calumet and the Calumet & Hecla properties.

Most of the property within the two units is privately owned. Please respect private property. As the park continues to develop, more services and facilities will become available. Contact the park for updated information.
The Union Building and former St. Annes church mark the entrance to Calumet
Calumet Unit
Learn more about the park's Calumet Unit
Brick veneer on the Nordberg Hoist House at Quincy Mine.
Quincy Unit
Learn more about the park's Quincy Unit
Looking out over the City of Houghton and Portage Lake towards the Huron Mountains.  

Did You Know?
"Keweenaw" (pronounced key-wah-nah) is an Ojibway word that means "the crossing place," or "land crossing between two bodies of water." It refers to the Ojibway's use of Portage Lake as a portage across the Keweenaw Peninsula.

Last Updated: July 19, 2007 at 11:18 EST