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Youth Has its Benefits. . . Even on Mars!
Opportunity has seen many sights during her nearly 2000 sols on Mars, but recently came face-to-face (or wheel-to-rock) with the youngest crater ever seen by either Mars Exploration Rover!    >>
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Spotlight on Mars
Read the release 'Productive Mars Camera Team Accelerates Releases' Productive Mars Camera Team Accelerates Releases
Camera-team members are now posting tens of thousands of new image products each month from the high-resolution camera on NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter. >>    Full Image and Caption >>
Read the release 'NASA Selects JPL Experiment for European Mars Mission' NASA Selects JPL Experiment for European Mars Mission
An investigation selected by NASA will help researchers dissect the internal structure of Mars by analyzing variations in the planet's rotation of Mars. William Folkner of NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory is the principal investigator for this project. >>
Read the release 'Spirit Slipping in Soft Ground, Sol 1889' Spirit Slipping in Soft Ground
NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Spirit slipped in soft ground during short backward drives on the 1,886th and 1,889th Martian days, or sols, of the rover's mission on Mars. >>
Read the release 'Parachute During Tests for Mars Science Laboratory' Parachute During Tests for Mars Science Laboratory
Testing during March and April 2009 inside the world's largest wind tunnel, at NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, Calif., qualified the parachute for NASA's next Mars rover. >>
Read the release ''Von Braun' Mound in Spirit's Drive Direction' Spirit Resumes Driving While Analysis of Problem Behaviors Continues
NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Spirit drove on Thursday for the first time since April 8. >>
Related image and full caption >>
Read the release 'Team Continues Analyzing Spirit Computer Reboots and Amnesia Events' Team Continues Analyzing Spirit Computer Reboots and Amnesia Events
After three days of completing Earth-commanded activities without incident last week, Spirit had a bout of temporary amnesia, April 17, and rebooted its computer , April 18, behavior similar to events about a week earlier. >>
Read the release 'Mars Science Laboratory Parachute Qualification Testing' Mars Science Laboratory Parachute Qualification Testing
The parachute for NASA's Mars Science Laboratory passed flight-qualification testing in March and April 2009 inside the world's largest wind tunnel, at NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, Calif. >>
Read the release 'Mars Spacecraft Teams on Alert for Dust-Storm Season' Mars Spacecraft Teams on Alert for Dust-Storm Season
Heading into a period of the Martian year prone to major dust storms, the team operating NASA's twin Mars rovers is taking advantage of eye-in-the-sky weather reports. >>
Read the release 'Spirit Healthy but Computer Reboots Raise Concerns' Spirit Healthy but Computer Reboots Raise Concerns
The team operating NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Spirit is examining data received from Spirit in recent days to diagnose why the rover apparently rebooted its computer at least twice over the April 11-12 weekend. >>
Read the release 'Heavy Duty Trust Building' Heavy Duty Trust Building
Trust--it's vital for each step of the Mars Science Laboratory mission. Engineers must trust each other and all the tests they've done while building the rover. >>
Read the release 'HiRISE Sees Signs of an Unearthly Spring' HiRISE Sees Signs of an Unearthly Spring
New images from the UA-led HiRISE experiment detail patterns of dust carried by gas from beneath the seasonal ice cap. >>
Related Images and Captions >>
Read the release 'One Mars Rover Sees a Distant Goal; The Other Takes a New Route' One Mars Rover Sees a Distant Goal; The Other Takes a New Route
On a plain that stretches for miles in every direction, Opportunity has caught a first glimpse on the horizon of the uplifted rim of the big crater that has been Opportunity's long-term destination for six months. >>
Read the release 'Mars, Then and Now' Mars, Then and Now - Antique maps, latest streaming satellite images now viewable with Mars in Google Earth
Today, NASA and Google announce an update to Mars in Google Earth, a 3D mapping tool for the Red Planet. >>
Read the release 'Mars Rovers Earn Congressional Kudos' Mars Rovers Earn Congressional Kudos
Congress passed a resolution Wednesday recognizing scientific contributions of NASA's Mars Exploration Rovers, and commending the JPL and Cornell University teams. >>
more news >>
Watch the videos 'Weather Movies, Mars South Polar Region, March-April 2009 '
Weather Movies:
Mars South Polar Region
Watch the video 'Five Years on Mars - Opportunity'
5 Years and Still Roving on Mars - Opportunity
Watch the video 'Five Years on Mars - Spirit'
5 Years and Still Roving on Mars - Spirit
Watch the video 'Five Years on Mars'
Five Years on Mars
Watch the Phoenix  - A Tribute video
Phoenix - A Tribute
Watch the Phoenix video
Watch the MSL Overview video
Mars Science Laboratory Overview
Watch the video 'Mars Landing Challenge -- Big Science Ahead'
Mars Landing Challenge -- Big Science Ahead
Watch the Mars Exploration Rover Update
Mars Exploration Rover Update February 12:
Both rovers have had a little trouble, recently, but now they're both back on the road and driving again.
more videos >>
Recent Images
Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (HiRISE) Image
May 05, 2009:
Big Central Uplift of a Large Crater
Big Central Uplift of a Large Crater
High-res at the UA HiRISE site.
Mars Odyssey Image for
April 22, 2009:
Ius Chasma at Night
Ius Chasma at Night
High-res at ASU THEMIS site
Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (CRISM) Image
June 30, 2008:
Olivine, Phyllosilicates, and Ancient Crater Rims
Olivine, Phyllosilicates, and Ancient Crater Rims
High-res at the JHU APL CRISM site
Mars Weather Report
April 20-26, 2009:
View Martian Weather Report
at the MSSS MARCI site
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