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Current News

Obama urged to spend billions on weather research - Weather scientists on Tuesday urged Barack Obama to spend $9 billion on satellites and research to prepare for hurricanes, tornadoes and wildfires and examine links between destructive weather and climate change. [Link] [PDF] Posted: 1/14/2009

OU and NWC Representatives Present at the American Meteorological Society’s Annual Meeting - Representatives from the University of Oklahoma’s National Weather Center take the lead in number of presenters at this week’s 89th Annual Meeting of the American Meteorological Society. OU faculty, research scientists and students are lead authors on more than 200 papers. [PDF] Posted: 1/12/2009

University of Oklahoma faculty member and graduate student recognized in ScienceNOW - Ming Xue, University of Oklahoma faculty member in the School of Meteorology and director of the Center for Analysis and Prediction of Storms, and meteorology graduate research assistant Nathan Snook are featured in the Jan. 5 daily news section of ScienceNOW in recognition of their recent research published in Geophysical Research Letters. [Link] [PDF] Posted: 1/9/2009

WDT and NanoWeather awarded major grant - Oklahoma EDGE (Economic Development Generating Excellence) Program Award creates new opportunities for state, nationwide and global wind energy industry. For more information, please see attached PDF. [PDF] Posted: 1/6/2009

Weather museum in the dreams of Norman - Courtesy of the Norman Transcript: At the moment, the idea is still just that -- an idea. But the group working toward a National Weather Museum and Science Center is taking steps to make their idea a reality. [Link] [PDF] Posted: 1/5/2009