Applicant Information


There was no competition for new awards in this program for Fiscal Years 2007 or 2008. However, new FY 2007 awards were made in the Teacher Quality Enhancement Grants Program--Recruitment Grants for States and Partnerships by funding down the FY 2005 grant slate. See the Federal Register announcement below for additional information.
Last competition: FY 2005. Closing Date: December 17, 2004.

Federal Register Notices

Current Application

Since the FY 2005 competition is closed, text versions of the application package are available below for reference only.

For printed copies of the application, please contact David Howe.

Application Contact

David Howe
U.S. Department of Education
Teacher Quality Enhancement Grants Program
1990 K Street, N.W., Mail Stop 8526
Washington, DC 20006-8526
Telephone: (202) 502-7703


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Last Modified: 10/14/2008