Solutions for Families

Families Worldwide

For many years we've been defining the problems families face. Researchers have been busy listing causes for conflicts within the home. How about solutions?

Solutions For Families offers ways to strengthen family relationships. Teaching families correct principles and providing them with practical skills increases their capacity to strengthen family bonds. Families will experience increased love and peace, and relationships will be strengthened in powerful ways.

Program Content

1.   Getting Started

There are five segments to this section of the book.

  1. Family Survey This survey is based on research done by Thomas R. Lee, Wesley Burr, Ivan Beutler, Floyd Yorgason, and Brent Harker, "The Family Profile: A Tool for Family Life Education"(1989). In the survey each family member responds to statements about their family life. The survey reveals how each family member views the family. It is an excellent tool for family discussion. 

  2. Family Survey Chart of Results After the survey are graphs on which results are charted,  allowing family members to see their collective strengths and also areas in which they need improvement.

  3. Family Contract This is a contract family members sign indicating their willingness to participate in the Solutions For Families program.

  4. Family Meeting Holding regular family meetings is the best way to be organized as a family. Family Meetings have three parts: Family Council; Lesson; Activity.

  5. Family Goals Statement This is like a family constitution. It is a statement of family beliefs and goals. It also defines family rules and values. Using a family goals statement, families have direction and can feel more like a team working together.

2.   Introduction For Parents

There is an Introduction for Parents at the beginning of each chapter. It introduces the subject of the chapter, and the four lessons which follow. It is an opportunity for parent instruction, preparing them to give the lessons in the chapter.

3.   Twenty-four Lessons 

Each of the six chapters in Solutions For Families contains four lessons. The twenty-four lessons reflect the twenty-four questions in the Family Survey. The lessons all follow the same format:

  • Follow-up from the previous lesson
  • A Concept introducing the lesson
  • Review of the corresponding question in the Family Survey
  • An Illustrative Story with discussion questions
  • An Activity using the concept
  • An Assignment to help learn the concept during the week

The lessons are to be given by a family member, and ideally every person in the family should participate. Some families may need a facilitator to assist them, other families will be able to go through the curriculum on their own. Families may choose how often they meet for each lesson. Ideally, one lesson each week

(Please check back.  All Twenty-four lessons will be  listed here)

4.   Solutions Through Stories and Poems

This section is found at the end of each chapter. For most people the story is a highlight of the lesson. Stories and poems can be very effective teaching tools, so additional solutions, stories and poems which correlate with the chapter lessons are included.

Go to Program Contents Page

For more information about "Solutions for Families" please send e-mail.

Families Worldwide has helped strengthen over 35,000 families in the United States, Canada, Scotland, England, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand, South and Central America, Turkey, and India. Families Worldwide and its programs can work for you within your existing organization or group, or in a new organization that we will help you set up. For more information, please contact us in one of the following ways:

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Families Worldwide
5248 Pinemont Dr., Suite C-190
Murray, Utah 84123

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