Socioeconomic Goals

Small Business Procurement Preference Goals

It is the policy of the United States, as stated in the Small Business Act, that all small businesses have the maximum practicable opportunity to participate in providing goods and services to the government.

To ensure that small businesses get their fair share, the Small Business Administration (SBA) negotiates annual procurement preference goals with each federal agency and reviews each agency's results. The SBA is responsible for ensuring that the statutory governmentwide goals are met in the aggregate. The statutory goals are as follows:

  • 23 percent of prime contracts for small businesses;
  • 5 percent of prime and subcontracts for small disadvantaged businesses*;
  • 5 percent of prime and subcontracts for women-owned small businesses;
  • 3 percent of prime and subcontracts for HUBZone businesses; and
  • 3 percent of prime and subcontracts for service-disabled veteran-owned small businesses.

The selection of a COMMITS NG company earns small business credit, but also credit for all the other socioeconomic attributes a firm has (as indicated on the COMMITS NG Industry Partner List), with the exception of 8(a) credit. This means, for instance, if the firm is also a service-disabled veteran-owned small business, that credit will be available through FPDS-NG reporting.

Utilization of the COMMITS NG contract for IT services and IT services-based solutions will continue to help those agencies that have met their small business procurement goals and similarly help those agencies that have an accomplishment gap to attain theirs. The annual SBA scorecard provides a view of agency reported goal attainment.

More information may be viewed at the SBA Governmentwide Procurement Preference Goaling Program website, including individual agency goals and previous fiscal year goal accomplishments. In addition, the Small Business Goal Accomplishment Reports are available from the Federal Procurement Data System.

Additional Information

Doc ID Name Format Size Publish Date
  FY2007 Small Business Goaling Report FPDS Fiscal Year 2007 Small Business Goaling Report PDF 40k 10/31/2008
  Annual SBA Scorecard The 2008 SBA Procurement Goals Scorecard PDF 73k 10/31/2008
Last Reviewed 4/2/2009