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US Fish & Wildlife Service - Journal Entry
Bloomington Indiana Field Office Presents 4th Quarter Report 
Region 3, September 30, 2006
Pictured is the Wabash River Bank where construction of railroad siding is proposed. 
- FWS photo
Pictured is the Wabash River Bank where construction of railroad siding is proposed.

- FWS photo

With respect to federal activities in Indiana, during the quarter of FY 2006 BFO reviewed 21 Section 404 permits, 26 FHWA highway projects, 63 other federal aid projects, 32 cell tower projects (resulting in 2 site-specific letters), 13 coal mining permit actions, 3 FERC hydropower preliminary permits, 5 FERC pipeline projects, 1 federal project and 11other federal/state/local permit projects. This report does not include non-Section 7 aspects of the Endangered Species Program, or the Private Lands or Contaminants programs. It also does not include our northern Indiana sub-office.

Highlights of the third quarter project reviews included the following:

 Reviewed and attended a 404 permit site meeting for a proposed 2-mile long CSX railroad siding that would require removal of riparian woods and major bank stabilization on the Wabash River.  The project was modified to minimize and compensate for impacts.

Reviewed a bat survey report for a pending coal mine operation along Pigeon Creek.   The survey captured 13 reproductive female Indiana bats and tracked them to a primary roost tree.   The Pigeon Creek corridor also contains a major copperbelly water snake population.

Requested a 404 (q) elevation for a 404 permit to expand an existing floodplain landfill into forest and wetlands along Muddy Fork, which is the main foraging habitat for Indiana's gray bat reproductive colony.

BFO is participating with other Region 3 offices in early coordination with FERC and consultants for the Rockies Express East pipeline, which is a new natural gas pipeline that would run from Missouri to Ohio.  It would cross the central part of Indiana affecting nine Indiana counties. (contact is Forest Clark)


Contact Info: Midwest Region Public Affairs, 612-713-5313, charles_traxler@fws.gov