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Blood-Borne and Sexually Transmitted Infections Among IDUs and Their Partners in the Western Hemisphere: Exchange of Experiences and Lessons Learned

[Introduction] [Agenda] [Abstracts] [Recommendations] [Biographical Sketches] [Participants]


Monday, December 17, 2001

9:00-10:00 Opening Ceremony  
  9:00-9:10 Dr. Juan Manuel Sotelo
PAHO/WHO Representative in Argentina
  9:10-9:20 Dr. Lorenzo Cortese
Secretary of Programming for the Prevention of Drug Addiction and Fight against Drug Trafficking of the Nation's Presidency
  9:20-9:30 Dr. Henry Francis
Director HIV Program, NIDA
  9:30-9:40 Dr. Pedro Chequer
Inter-country Program Advisor. UNAIDS
  9:40-9:50 Dr. Fernando Zacarias
Program Coordinator, Regional HIV/AIDS/STI Program PAHO
10:00-10:15 Objectives and Expected Outcomes
Jag Khalsa (NIDA) / Rafael Mazin/Armando Peruga (PAHO)

Situation Analysis, Dimensions and Trends of the Problem
Moderators: Armando Peruga (PAHO)/Jerry Flanzer (NIDA)

10:15-11:15 Part I
Epidemiology of Drug Use and HIV (Industrialized and Developing Countries)
  • Situation in the United States, Jerry Flanzer (USA)
  • Epidemiology of HIV and other Blood-borne Pathogens among Injecting Drug Users Starting Detoxification in Metropolitan Barcelona, Robert Muga (Spain)
  • Situation in Latin America:
    • Franklin Alcaraz (Bolivia)
    • Sergio Sosa Estani (Argentina)
  • 11:15-11:30 Coffee Break
    11:30-12:30 Part II
    Political and Cultural Determinants for the Distribution of Blood-borne and Sexually Transmitted Infections among Specific Subpopulations
  • The Industrialized Countries Experience:
    • Mary Latka (USA)
    • Maria José Bravo (Spain)
  • The Developing Countries Experience:
    • Sylvia Inchaurraga (Argentina)
    • Carlos Magis (Mexico
  • 12:30-13:00 Discussion
    13:00-14:30 Lunch

    Obstacles for the Development of Prevention and Health Care Policies
    Moderators: Skip Francis (NIDA) / Fernando Zacarias (PAHO)

    14:30-16:00 What is Happening, What Needs to be Done, Who is Responsible, What Barriers Need to be Removed/Environment Changed
  • Patrica lnsúa (Spain)
  • Leonardo Costa, Raquel Magri (Uruguay)
  • Mariano Montenegro (CONACE, Chile)
  • Fabio Mesquita (Brazil/Brasil)
  • Graciela Touzé (Argentina)
  • Drug Treatment as HIV prevention, David Metzger (USA)
  • 16:00-16:30 Coffee Break
    16:30-17:30 Two Examples of "Best Practices" in Progress: Prevention of Sexual Transmission and MTCT Prevention
  • Argentine participant. Damian Lavarello
  • Discussant: Mary Latka (USA)

    Tuesday, December 18, 2001


    Obstacles for the Development of Prevention and Health Care Policies
    Moderators: Skip Francis (NIDA) / Fernando Zacarias (PAHO)

    9:00-10:30 Conditions

    Health Effects of Drug Abuse and Co-occurring Morbidity Conditions
  • HIV, HBV, HCV, Mercedes Weissenbacher (Argentina)
  • Improving Hepatitis B Virus Immunization Among Young Injectors in San Francisco, Paula Lum (USA)
  • Drug Abuse in HIV-lnfection: Risk of Neurological Disease and Treatment Issues, W. Royal (USA)
  • Health Care Access for IDU Infected with HIV, Steve Crystal (USA)
  • Tuberculosis in IDUs, Graciela Moscatello (Argentina)
  • The HIV Transmission Gradient: How Drug Injectors Protect Themselves and Their Partners, David Bell (USA)
  • 10:30-10:45 Coffee Break
    10:45-12:45 Cost-Effective Interventions documented
  • Is Lack of Adherence of IDUs a Groundless Assumption? Silvana De Castro (WHO), Fabio Mesquita-(Brazil)
  • Clinical Management of STI, and Hepatitis among IDUs, Graciela Moscatello (Argentina), Mônica Malta (Brazil)
  • HIV Risks and Patterns of Drug Treatment and Health Care among Puerto Rican Drug Users in Puerto Rico and New York, Rafaela Robles (USA)
  • Impact of Drug Treatment and Ambulatory Medical Care on HIV-infected Drug Users on Clinically Relevant Outcomes, Barbara Turner (USA)
  • Discussion: The Need for Comprehensive Care, including Prevention, Detoxification and Other Approaches.
    Discussants: Barbara Turner (USA) and Damian Lavarello (Argentina)
  • 12:45-14:15 Lunch

    Primary and Secondary Prevention Among IDUs and Their Sexual Partners: Success Stories
    Moderators: Skip Francis (NIDA) / Fernando Zacarias (PAHO)

  • Sexual Interventions for Drug Abusers: What works? Mary Latka (USA)
  • Lessons Learned in Latin America: Diana Rossi (Argentina), Waleska Teixeira Caiaffa (Brazil)
  • Rapid Assessment on Intravenous Drug Use and Its Risk in Bogota, Ines Elvira Mejia (Colombia),
  • Special Challenges for the Implementation of Prevention Activities in Developing Countries, Graciela Radulich (Argentina), Maria Luz Osimani (Uruguay) and Fabio Mesquita (Brazil)
  • Discussion: Can Success Stories be adopted in different settings? Jag KhaIsa (NIDA)
  • 16:15-16:45 Coffee Break
    16:45-17:15 Report: MJ Bravo, R Mazin D Rossi, C Rius, M Weissenbacher


    Wednesday, December 19, 2001


    Technical Cooperation and Potential Areas of Collaboration
    Moderators: Henry Francis (NIDA) / Rafael Mazin (PAHO) / Jag Khalsa(NIDA)

    9:00-10:30 The "nuts and bolts" of technical cooperation among countries, organizations and groups
  • Dissemination of "Best Practices", Mercedes Weissenbacher, Rafael Mazin
  • NIDA's International Collaboration Agenda. Jag Khalsa
  • 10:30-11:00 Coffee Break
    11:00-12:45 Identification of Potential Areas of Collaboration Among Countries and Institutions (All participants)
    12:45-14:00 Lunch
    14:00-15:30 Questions and Answers about Specific Projects
    15:30-16:30 Recommendations, Suggestions for Follow-up and Closing Remarks



    Pan American Health Organization - World Health Organization
    Dr. Armando Peruga / Dr. Rafael Mazin / Dr. Fernando Zacarias

    National Institute on Drug Abuse - National Institutes of Health
    Dr. Jag Khalsa

    Spanish International Cooperation Agency
    Dr. Isabel Noguer

    Organizers in Argentina
    Dr. Mercedes Weissenbacher /Lic. Diana Rossi

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