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Study Publications

Singapore Chinese Health (SING)

Singapore Chinese Health

The Singapore Chinese Health Study generated data that the Epidemiology Branch and its collaborators published in a peer-reviewed journal article. To find out more about the study, please click the following links to the journal articles and abstracts.


  1. Butler LM, Koh W-P, Lee H-P, Tseng M, Yu MC, London SJ.  Prospective study of dietary patterns and persistent cough with phlegm among Chinese Singaporeans. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 173:264-70, 2006. [Abstract] Exit NIEHS (
  2. Levan TD, Koh WP, Lee HP, Koh D, Yu MC, London SJ. Vapor, Dust and Smoke Exposure in Relation to Adult-Onset Asthma and Chronic Respiratory Symptoms: The Singapore Chinese Health Study. American Journal of Epidemiology. 163:1118-28, 2006. [Abstract] Exit NIEHS (


  1. David GL, Koh W-P, Lee H-P, Yu MC, London SJ. Childhood exposure to environmental tobacco smoke and chronic respiratory symptoms in nonsmoking adults: Singapore Chinese Health Study. Thorax. 60:1052-8, 2005. [Abstract] Exit NIEHS (


  1. Butler LM, Koh WP, Lee HP, Yu MC, London SJ. Dietary fiber and reduced cough with phlegm: a cohort study in Singapore. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 170:279-287, 2004. [Abstract] Exit NIEHS ( [Full Text] Exit NIEHS ( [download the PDF] Exit NIEHS (

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Last Reviewed: October 09, 2008