Associate Fellowship Program

Associates Group Photo

Back row: Kathy Kwan, Heather Wilder, Aaron Redalen, Nancy Allmang, Carmen Dee Harris
Front row:Taneya Koonce and Chandra Doby

New trainees at NLM include seven new NLM Associate Fellows and one Presidential Management Intern.

Meet the 1999 - 2000 NLM Associate Fellows:

Nancy Allmang

Nancy has an A.B. degree in Zoology with a concentration in Physiology from Rutgers University and twenty years experience as a mother. She has gained library experience in public, university and hospital libraries and earned her M.L.S. from Syracuse University's School of Information Studies through their distance education program.

Chandra Doby

Chandra graduated from St. Leo College with a B.A. in Psychology and from the University of South Florida with an M.A.L.S. Her experience includes 7 years as a Hospital Corpsman in the U.S. Coast Guard. While in library school, she interned at the Shimberg Health Sciences Library at USF, gaining experience in reference and searching.

Carmen Dee Harris

Carmen Dee was employed at NLM as a Technical Information Specialist in the Division of Specialized Information Services for the past year. Prior, she earned a M.S. from The Graduate School of Library and Information Science of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. There she served as Research Assistant to the University Librarian. In addition, she possess a M.A. in Black Studies and a B.S. in Family Relations and Human Development from The Ohio State University, and a certificate in Medical Assisting.

Taneya Koonce

Taneya comes to the Associate Program from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, where she received a M.S.L.S. and interned at the UNC Health Sciences and US Environmental Protection Agency libraries. She has a B.S. with majors in Biology and Religion from Emory University.

Kathy Kwan

Kathy has 12 years of experience in library systems work, including several projects involving migration to a new library automation system. Her degrees include Bachelor of Social Sciences from the University of Hong Kong, Master of Library Science from the State University of New York at Buffalo, and a M.A. in Computer Science from Queens College, the City University of New York. In 1996, she was given an Outstanding Contribution Award by the New York-New Jersey Chapter of the Medical Library Association.

Aaron Redalen

Aaron is also a graduate of the University of North Carolina School of Information and Library Science. While in school he worked at the library of the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, and he has been working the last several months here at NLM. Aaron has a B.A. in Psychology from Hobart College and has experience as a bookstore manager.

Heather Wilder

Heather comes to us from the University of Washington, where she received an M.L.I.S. and worked as a reference assistant in the Engineering Library. She received her B.A. in English from Willamette University, where her studies included a semester in Ecuador. Heather is from Alaska, and has recently worked with the National Network s of Libraries of Medicine, Pacific Northwest Division, on developing web-based health and illness resources for Native American and Native Alaskan communities.

Meet the Presidential Management Intern:

Susan Anderson

Susan has a Bachelor's of Business Administration with a major in marketing from the University of Massachusetts and a M.S.L.S form Catholic University of America. She has worked as a law librarian and as an intern at the D.C. Community archives, and has a particular interest in the preservation of nonprint materials. Susan began the Presidential Management program, a two-year internship, in August.

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Last reviewed: 02 October 2008
Last updated: 02 October 2008
First published: 25 September 2000
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