Depression Center

Welcome to Depression Center Beta 3.0

The Depression Center offers personalized, interactive tools that have helped thousands of people challenge and overcome their depression.

We also offer the Depression Program, an interactive, 18-session cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) course. We invite you to read more about the program and tools, or if you are ready, go straight to the free registration. Registering also gives you posting privileges in our anonymous online Support Group.

If you think you might have depression, we encourage you to read more about the symptoms and begin to think about questions you can ask your doctor. You can also take the Depression Test for a confidential, detailed assessment of your symptoms.

How Can the Depression Center Help Me?
Each person has unique goals in their treatment. Whatever your motivation, cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is a very effective treatment for depression. You can use the tools whether or not you are taking medication, and whether or not you are currently seeing a therapist or mental health professional. The Depression Program has a number of tools and resources to help each individual overcome their depression and win.

Information for Health Care Professionals: About Depression, Diagnosis and Treatment and Depression and Suicide.