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IntroGlossaryOil CodesCoverage ChartThickness ValuesChecklistExample PhotosExample Maps

Oil Identification Photos

Here are photos showing different types and distributions of oil on water and common response activities, with example text showing how to use standard terminology to describe each scene. Click on the name of any photograph group to view the photos.

  • Oil Color / Appearance

    Photo examples of silver sheen, rainbow, metallic, transitional, and dark oil slicks on water.
    (11 images)
  • Oil Structure / Distribution

    Photo examples of streamers, convergence, windrows, patches, tarballs, and no structure for oil slicks on water.
    (10 images)
  • False Positives

    Photo examples of water and biological phenomena that may be observed and may tend to be mistaken for oil.
    (6 images)

IntroGlossaryOil CodesCoverage ChartThickness ValuesChecklistExample PhotosExample Maps
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