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Building An Automated Record System : Back to Home National Forum on Education Statistics
Introduction Purpose of this Booklet Contents of this Booklet Description of a Student Record Description of a Student Record System Benefits of a Well-Designed Automated Student Record System Steps for Designing and Implementing an Automated Student Record System Summary Resource List
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Resource List

A Pilot Standard National Course Classification System for Secondary Education. [NCES #95-480] This document was developed to promote the use of a standard vocabulary and to encourage the maintenance of accurate and complete data about students. It is intended to serve as a reference document to public and private school agencies and researchers interested in course information at the secondary level. This publication contains no data. For ordering information, go to

Basic Data Elements for Elementary and Secondary Education Information Systems. [NCES #97-531] This document contains a set of basic student and staff data elements recommended by the Core Data Task Force of the National Forum on Education Statistics. The purpose of these basic data elements is to provide a common language to promote the collection and reporting of comparable education data to guide policy and assist in the administration of state and local education systems. The report also contains a recommended process for identifying and periodically updating the set of data elements to be maintained by a school, school district, state education agency, or other education unit with a need for student and staff information. Available online at

Protecting the Privacy of Student Records: Guidelines for Education Agencies. [NCES #97-527] These guidelines were developed to help state and local education agencies and schools to develop adequate policies and procedures to protect information about students and their families from improper release, while still satisfying the need for school officials to make sound management, instructional, and service decisions. Suggested audiences include state education agency staff, state and local policy-makers, school district staff, school administrators and staff, program and support services staff, technical staff, and teachers and other school-based support professionals. Available online at

Safeguarding Your Technology: Practical Guidelines for Electronic Education Information Security. [NCES #98-297] These guidelines are written to help education administrators and staff at the buildings, campus, district, and state levels better understand why and how to effectively secure their organization's sensitive information, critical systems, computer equipment, and network access. Available online at

Schools Interoperability Framework information is available from the Software and Information Industry Association at

SPEEDE/ExPRESS (SPEEDE stands for Standardization of Postsecondary Education Electronic Data Exchange, and ExPRESS stands for Exchange of Permanent Records Electronically for Students and Schools.) is an ANSI X12 (Electronic Data Interchange) format. For information on SPEEDE/ExPRESS look under Standards on the website of the Postsecondary Standards Council at

Standards for Education Data Collection and Reporting. [NCES #92-022] Guidelines are available that describe "best practice" in collecting and reporting education data including student information. Called the Standards for Education Data Collection and Reporting (SEDCAR), these guidelines were developed pursuant to the Hawkins-Stafford Amendments of 1988, which authorized an effort to improve the comparability, quality, and usefulness of education data. SEDCAR is a helpful guide to basic principles for ensuring good quality in the key phases of data collection, storage, and reporting. Anyone developing, redesigning, or taking charge of a student record system can benefit from the collective experience of the large team of professionals brought together to develop SEDCAR. To order SEDCAR, please visit the NCES web site at

Student Data Handbook for Elementary, Secondary, and Early Childhood Education: 2000 Edition. [NCES #2000-343] The Student Data Handbook was developed to provide guidance concerning the consistent maintenance of student information. This handbook defines data elements and definitions describing personal information, enrollment, school participation and activities, out of school experience, assessment, transportation, health, special program participation and discipline for pupils in early childhood, elementary, and secondary education. This handbook contains no data. Available online at

Technology @ Your Fingertips: A Guide to Implementing Technology Solutions for Education Agencies and Institutions. [NCES #98-293] These guidelines describe a process for getting the best possible technology solution for your organization. It also describes the steps necessary to identify technology needs, acquire the technology, and implement a technology solution that provides a foundation for an organization's future technology well being. Available online at

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